Oxidative stress of the body is a consequence of poor ecology, love of fast food, and hassle. If not dealt with, it will lead to various diseases and premature aging. What is oxidative stress? Oxidative stress is a condition in which...
On the one hand, we are all entitled to at least one lazy day. Basically, we can afford such time on weekends, giving up all household chores. But what do you do when there is a feeling of constant...
According to a global study, 67.8 million people in Russia have social media accounts. We are constantly scrolling through the Instagram feed, distracted by notifications on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. They have many advantages; you are always in touch;...
Despondency provokes obesity, and it is also dangerous with depression and ulcers. And to overcome it will help the usual improvised things that are available to every person. Which ones - read the article. What is discouragement, and where does...
We get annoyed when everything does not go according to plan; from standing in traffic jams, from the rudeness of others, we lose patience from arguing with colleagues because of the stubbornness of a child. Anger is a normal...
Work takes up most of the adult time, the quality of life, and self-realization level depends on it. In our culture, it is customary, if not even honorable, to work hard. One of the real and probable attributes of...
Nowadays, there is a lot of discussion on emotional intelligence. And this is not surprising because emotions have great power that can both help and harm a person. Psychologists say that there are no bad emotions; it is just...
It's okay to be angry. We can get angry with friends, family, colleagues. Such a healthy reaction is normal, but you need to do it correctly to spoil your relationship with everyone and spoil your mood. And it is...
Moving to another place - an apartment, office, another city, changes not only your physical location. This can affect your destiny. Astrophysicists are sure of this, who told how the move is associated with a feeling of happiness, reports...
Affirmations help tune in to the right wave. These are short attitudes that you utter and thereby program yourself for what you want. Many people want to live happily and in harmony, but this is not always possible for...