We get annoyed when everything does not go according to plan; from standing in traffic jams, from the rudeness of others, we lose patience from arguing with colleagues because of the stubbornness of a child. Anger is a normal emotion that cannot be suppressed, but it is important to cope with it. When our indignation is justified, and when the rage is already a problem, and what to do about it, Yevgeny Shagov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, together with the specialists of the Mayo Clinic in the USA, told on his Facebook page.
1. Fight impulsivity
The "think before you speak" rule is perhaps one of the most important things to do. Learn to experience your feelings without rushing into action. A common problem with anger is in the hearts of spoken words or making a decision. Count to 10, make a rule to solve all problems with a cool head, look for your own methods to wait out the "storm" without consequences.
2. Learn to express your anger
Try to understand the real nature of irritation and express it in an environmentally friendly way. Speak out about the problem where possible, and redirect the emotion where there is no one to complain about. Express your thoughts non-confrontationally, clearly, and directly, without manipulation and attempts to control the people and events around you.
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3. Go in for sports
Physical activity reduces stress. Regular sports activities increase not only endurance but also the body's resistance, harmonize the psycho-emotional background. A little exercise can also help you cope with your emotions. Feel that you are boiling - occupy your body, do exercises, or take a walk.
4. Know how to take a break
Allow yourself to rest. Take short breaks during a busy day, break a difficult task into stages, and don't allow yourself to overwork and thereby build up frustration. Small pauses will help calm down and restore the reserve for further action without anger.
5. Look for a way out of the situation
Instead of reflection, channel your energies into finding solutions. As they say, you cannot change the situation, but you can change your attitude towards it. For the rest, create comfort yourself, try to get away from expectations (how it should be and how others might do), and minimize situations that throw you off balance.
6. Form "I-messages."
Do not criticize or blame; maintain respect, and be specific in your statements. To prevent anger from escalating into a scandal, formulate the message through "me" ("it bothers me when ...", "I hate it when ..." instead of "you, as always ...", "why couldn't it be so"), passive aggression simply serves to heighten internal tension.
7. Don't build up anger
Forgiveness is a powerful tool for achieving inner harmony. Learn to let go of situations, don't let anger drive out positive experiences, and don't dwell on destructive feelings and memories. Feel, think, learn, and move on.
8. Allow yourself to smile
Often, over time, we perceive difficulties with humor, and no matter how impossible it may seem, look for the strength to smile in yourself in the most difficult moments. Distract yourself with something that will amuse you, look at the situation from a different angle; however, do not stoop to sarcasm - in a conflict, this can only aggravate confrontation and offend the interlocutor.
9. Look for ways to relax
When you feel like you're about to flare up, breathe, or do something that will help you relax. Practice breathing practices, compose your personal soothing "mantra," listen to music, write your feelings in a journal, or do yoga. Redirect and diffuse emotions safely.
10. Do not refuse help
Controlling anger is a problem skill for everyone. Do not be afraid to admit to yourself that you are losing control; very often, it is almost impossible to cope with your emotions without a specialist's help in our fast-paced and stressful world. Do not be afraid of psychotherapy; this is professional support that you should not deny yourself when your resource is zero.
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Mood swings, insomnia, chronic fatigue, anxiety, and the inability to control oneself are not always a foolish disposition and poor endurance.
These are possible symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, estrogen imbalance in women, or testosterone in men. Sudden bouts of rage often signal cortisol and growth hormone deficiencies, which lead to adrenaline rushes. Remember, your mood and calmness are not always about nerves, but always about health.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Today Lifestyle