Moving to another place - an apartment, office, another city, changes not only your physical location. This can affect your destiny. Astrophysicists are sure of this, who told how the move is associated with a feeling of happiness, reports...
Frightening thoughts in the head periodically appear in many people. But only some know how to cope with them, while others - under the yoke of negativity, can pretty much ruin their lives. Here are three ways to deal...
Master speed reading techniques and read every free minute.   The average adult reads between 120 and 180 words each minute. The standard volume of a book is 60-100 thousand words. Let's count. If you read at a rate of 150...
The family is the most important influence on the development of the individual. The main objective of positive education is to give parents tools to incorporate when educating knowing how to do it and taking into account the children...
Scientists have told us what attracts us to others and how to use this knowledge in life. If you want to find out more, then you have come to the right place. Read on! 1. Copy the demeanor of the...
Loneliness has become the main fear of modern people. We do everything to be with someone; we go to uninteresting parties, listen to boring interlocutors, rush to get married, create the illusion of communication on social networks. founder...
On the one hand, we are all entitled to at least one lazy day. Basically, we can afford such time on weekends, giving up all household chores. But what do you do when there is a feeling of constant...
There are times in life when you need to cope with mental pain and move on quickly. There is one easy way to transform negative emotions. When in pain, give yourself five minutes to scream, cry, and beat your...
According to a global study, 67.8 million people in Russia have social media accounts. We are constantly scrolling through the Instagram feed, distracted by notifications on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. They have many advantages; you are always in touch;...
Surprisingly, thinking about death will help you become happier, but a comfortable life will not. Read on to find out more. 1. Imagine life without what you love Negative visualization is a representation of a life without dear people and things....