What Is Oxidative Stress And Why You Should Be Afraid Of It

Oxidative stress of the body is a consequence of poor ecology, love of fast food, and hassle. If not dealt with, it will lead to various diseases and premature aging.

What is oxidative stress?

Oxidative stress is a condition in which there are too many free radicals in the body - molecules without one electron. Such molecules start a chain reaction that disrupts cells' integrity, leading to their damage or death.

Our body has 100 trillion cells. Every minute 300 million cells are destroyed by oxidative stress.

Where do free radicals come from?

Free radicals are constantly generated in a healthy body. They participate in the fight against bacteria and mutating cells. Therefore they are essential for immunity.

However, under the influence of harmful factors, bad ecology, medication, tobacco smoke, stress, or high physical activity - there are too many free radicals. They begin to harm the body, destroying cells, etc.

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What is the threat of oxidative stress?

Oxidative stress provokes the development of many serious diseases, including cancer, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and negatively affects brain function; damages neurons susceptible to the effects of free radicals.

Chronic fatigue syndrome and oxidative stress are linked. People with this disease constantly feel lethargic and sleepy; it is difficult for them to concentrate, their mood often spoils; everything is annoying for no particular reason. Oxidative stress is also seen in depression and anxiety disorders.

Free radicals also negatively affect the reproductive function of the body. They hurt the genetic material stored in sperm. If more than 30% of the sperm have DNA damage, the man cannot become a father.

How do I know if I have oxidative stress?

There are several signs.

  • The presence of the above diseases and disorders.
  • Constant tiredness.
  • Decreased concentration.
  • The appearance of wrinkles and gray hair.
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Headaches and sensitivity to noise.
  • Susceptibility to infections.

Can you protect yourself from oxidative stress?

Yes, with the help of antioxidants - substances neutralize the action of free radicals. Our body itself produces antioxidants and receives them from food. The table below lists antioxidant-rich foods.

Vitamin C Rosehips, black currant, sea buckthorn, red bell pepper, parsley
Vitamin E Vegetable oils, nuts
Beta carotene Carrots, sea buckthorn, sorrel, parsley
Lycopene Rosehip, grapefruit, tomatoes and tomato paste, watermelon
Coenzyme Q10 Beef, herring, peanuts, sesame seeds, pistachios
Flavonoids Green tea, grapes, apples, cocoa, soy, turmeric, berries, broccoli

So eating a regular, healthy diet will protect you from oxidative stress?

Yes, if you live in an ecologically clean area without exhaust gases and industrial fumes, do not smoke actively or passively, do not undergo stress, and protect your skin well from ultraviolet radiation. Unfortunately, these are impracticable conditions for most city dwellers.

Also, some antioxidants are difficult to obtain from food. For example, to meet the daily requirement for coenzyme Q10 (30 mg), you need to eat 760 g of beef liver or 1 kg of peanuts per day, which is practically impossible.

How do you deal with oxidative stress then?

With the help of dietary supplements that contain the required amount of antioxidants.

Studies have shown that antioxidant supplements boost immunity, help fight inflammation, energize, and reduce the reproductive organs' oxidative stress.

A good example of such a supplement is the Synergin antioxidant complex.

What does this complex include?

Synergy includes six antioxidants.

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How long should you take Synergin before you feel any effect?

You should not expect an instant effect from Synergin; it takes time for antioxidants to eliminate excess free radicals. Adults need to take two Synergin capsules a day for one to three months.

At the level of sensations, you will have more energy; the general emotional background will change. Due to the maintenance of immunity, you will be less likely to get sick with colds.

Who will benefit from Synergy?

The supplements is especially recommended for over 35 years old, who live in large cities with a poor environment, have bad habits, experience constant stress, and eat foods high in cholesterol.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Life hacker