We get annoyed when everything does not go according to plan; from standing in traffic jams, from the rudeness of others, we lose patience from arguing with colleagues because of the stubbornness of a child. Anger is a normal...
People are increasingly experiencing stress - due to financial problems, family conflicts, or other worries. Therefore, it is important not only to succumb to the general panic that reigns in the information space but also to get rid of...
On the one hand, we are all entitled to at least one lazy day. Basically, we can afford such time on weekends, giving up all household chores. But what do you do when there is a feeling of constant...
Oxidative stress of the body is a consequence of poor ecology, love of fast food, and hassle. If not dealt with, it will lead to various diseases and premature aging. What is oxidative stress? Oxidative stress is a condition in which...
During its existence, psychotherapy has acquired many myths. We have collected and debunked the most common of them. It can be unsettling to hear the word "psychotherapy" - there are so many conjectures around it. Someone thinks that going to...
These tricks will help to subdue even the most intractable interlocutor. Read on! 1. Use powerful words A convincing speech is made up of words that resonate. This method is constantly used in advertising. Just imagine that you need to sell someone...
We all lie, but we do it for different reasons. However, it is possible to get rid of this habit. Sometimes we don't even notice it. What is it; an instinctive desire to hurt another person or the need...
We now spend an average of three hours a day on the phone. But the need to constantly hold your smartphone in your hands can be the first alarm bell that will tell you that it is time to...
Here are five effective ways to confront someone else's anger. The feeling of anger is familiar to all of us. We encounter him almost every day. At work, in transport, at home. It is believed that anger is the body's...
Getting rid of painful memories is essential. But in reality, it's not so simple. Use these tips to let go of your past finally. Why is it so hard If you dwell on pain, regret, and guilt, they will continue to haunt...