Although it may not seem like it, failures in the way we communicate are at the root of many of the problems psychologists see in the couples therapy sessions we carry out. Where those who come to therapy see "compatibility...
Breaking the basic rules on which a marriage bond is based is an excruciating emotional blow for most people. From a relationship based on affection and mutual trust, it usually passes to another in which distrust and resentment predominate,...
Much progress has been made to create more tolerant and critical societies with those who seek to establish themselves as an authority figure. However, despite this, problems of jealousy are still a reality in many relationships. Fortunately, no one is...
After a romantic relationship with a person, it is not always easy to turn the page. After having shared a great deal of time, passion, tastes, and confidence it is not surprising that we have the habit of having...
It is clear that entering a relationship is a life-changing experience. However, in the same way, that the process by which we fall in love with a person is full of intense emotions, if the time comes to break...
Love is one of the most pleasant common experiences that we can experience in our lives. Even so, for different reasons, relationships end. In this article, we try to advise you on how to end a relationship and move on...
These qualities say; over the years, you not only grow up but also gain wisdom. 1. Ability for introspection You can look at your life through the eyes of an outside observer, take a neutral position to evaluate your actions, thoughts,...
Here is a psychologist's advice to help people cope with grief. If you are going through grief, then this article is meant for you. Read on to find out. Accept your feelings It is not typical in our society to teach...
Well-mannered people strive to apologize to others, even when it is completely unnecessary. Let us find out more. 1. Taking care of yourself Since an early age, we have heard this so often: “'I' is the last letter of the alphabet,”...
Low self-esteem, an inability to take responsibility for one's life, and a constant need for approval may indicate that they are heavily emotionally dependent on their parents. We advise you on how to cut this Gordian knot and start...