How To Peacefully Separate From Your Parents

Low self-esteem, an inability to take responsibility for one's life, and a constant need for approval may indicate that they are heavily emotionally dependent on their parents. We advise you on how to cut this Gordian knot and start living a truly adult life.

It's not that we are adults that is scary, but that adults are, in fact, we.

Linor Goralik

Separation is one of the most important stages of personal development, expressed in the emotional and physical (and financial) separation of the child from the parents.

The active phase of this process starts in adolescence when a person questions parental values ​​and attitudes. Ideally, by the age of 18–20, he should begin to lead an independent life. If the metaphorical umbilical cord is not cut, then several psychological problems can arise, such as

  • lack of self-feeling
  • lack of control over your life
  • low self-esteem
  • acting out the role of the victim
  • the need for someone else's approval and a lot of unpleasant consequences

Physical separation, that is, living separately from parents, does not yet indicate complete separation. A person can live even on another continent but continue to need parental approval. Feigned emotional coldness towards parents is also not a signal of separation. By demonstrating his own indifference, a person may attract parents' attention, which he so lacked in childhood and continues to lack in adult life.

Read also: 10 Signs That You Are Too Dependent On Someone’s Opinion

True separation involves transforming parent-child relationships and abandoning old roles in favor of more equal and mature ones.

To get past this important stage, you need to take two major steps.

1. Rethink the nature of parenting

1. Recognize that you are different from your parents. Attempt to describe who you are without considering other people's opinions and approval. You can compile a list of enjoyable activities, start a new hobby, or learn a new skill. Look for what interests you in the first place.

2. Realize that your parents are the result of their own growing up and experiences. This will help you complete the next step.

3. Accept that your parents are not perfect, just like you. Adulthood involves abandoning the romantic ideals of childhood. There are no positive and negative characters in it - only ordinary people with their mistakes, problems, and mood swings.

4. Accept accountability for your present self. To accomplish this, you must become aware of your childhood experiences, accept them, and only then move on.

5. Embrace the fact that you are entitled to your own choices and opinions even if they turn out to be wrong as an adult. Otherwise, gaining life experience is just not possible.

6. Realize that you can now influence your relationship with your parents. Even if you are still their child, you are no longer a child.

How To Peacefully Separate From Your Parents
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

2. Don't make old mistakes

1. Stop trying to change your parents. Instead, consider how you could alter your behavior so that your relationship with them becomes better.

2. Set boundaries for parents. You alone decide what is acceptable and what is not about you and your life. But do not forget to inform your family about this.

3. Avoid old, unpleasant topics in which there will never be agreement. It's just counterproductive.

4. If conflict looms or your personal boundaries cross, gently point out to your parents that you are now an adult and have a right to your own decisions—even erroneous.

5. Find common things in which you can participate on an equal footing with your parents.

6.  When issues emerge between your parents and you, treat them as external to both parties. Avoid holding them too dear to your heart; never attempt to win the war at any cost, and prove your case. It's childish.

Also read: 3 Ways To Get Rid Of a Tiring Relationship

7. Even if you have a tense relationship with your parents, try to maintain communication with them. Communicate at least via email or voicemail. A demonstrative boycott does not solve problems.

8. Don't expect mom or dad to do something for you. For example, babysitting your own children or giving money for large purchases. This is part of the old-fashioned parent-child relationship.

9. Refrain from parenting advice. At the very least, don't ask for them every day and for any minor reason.

10. Remember all the good things that your parents have done and continue to do for you. Thank them for that.

In some cases, these tips may not be effective. For instance, if you have "toxic" parents whose actions are damaging and unalterable. If the pain of communicating with them is higher than any benefit you get from him, it is better to stop this communication.

No relationship in life is worth your well-being.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Life hacker