Even easy and familiar actions can have a favorable effect. If you want to get smarter, then you have to implement these tips. Read along with me. 1. Use your brain Not literally, of course. If you have ever thought that,...
In the world, the number of patients with various mental disorders is measured hundreds of millions. Every fifth adult has ever felt at least once what it is like to live when your own psyche fails. The absence of mental...
Affirmations help tune in to the right wave. These are short attitudes that you utter and thereby program yourself for what you want. Many people want to live happily and in harmony, but this is not always possible for...
Getting rid of painful memories is essential. But in reality, it's not so simple. Use these tips to let go of your past finally. Why is it so hard If you dwell on pain, regret, and guilt, they will continue to haunt...
We now spend an average of three hours a day on the phone. But the need to constantly hold your smartphone in your hands can be the first alarm bell that will tell you that it is time to...
Moving to another place - an apartment, office, another city, changes not only your physical location. This can affect your destiny. Astrophysicists are sure of this, who told how the move is associated with a feeling of happiness, reports...
Surprisingly, thinking about death will help you become happier, but a comfortable life will not. Read on to find out more. 1. Imagine life without what you love Negative visualization is a representation of a life without dear people and things....
Happiness does not always mean smiling and experiencing only pleasant emotions. According to the research Journal of Experimental Psychology, a happy person is one whose emotions correspond to his values. If you can identify your preferred emotions, then you...
If you are unexpectedly invited on a date, and there is little time to prepare, there is an easy way out, says the beautician. "If you sat with your friends yesterday, kissed a little champagne, you have edema today....
You will have to take care of the stability yourself. It may appear at first that working in a flexible schedule is the ultimate dream. But in reality, an unpredictable schedule often turns into stress.'I felt vulnerable': Freelancers on the stress of self-employment,...