If you are unexpectedly invited on a date, and there is little time to prepare, there is an easy way out, says the beautician. "If you sat with your friends yesterday, kissed a little champagne, you have edema today....
These tricks will help to subdue even the most intractable interlocutor. Read on! 1. Use powerful words A convincing speech is made up of words that resonate. This method is constantly used in advertising. Just imagine that you need to sell someone...
Nobody wants to be manipulated, but whoever they are, they are rarely aware that this is happening. The worst thing is that the manipulator thinks he has his own ideas, but everything was put in his head by the...
Nowadays, there is a lot of discussion on emotional intelligence. And this is not surprising because emotions have great power that can both help and harm a person. Psychologists say that there are no bad emotions; it is just...
Scientists have told us what attracts us to others and how to use this knowledge in life. If you want to find out more, then you have come to the right place. Read on! 1. Copy the demeanor of the...
Each person has a certain amount of psychic energy, which he spends on tasks. And if this energy ends, then productivity drops sharply. You should get rid of these 10 habits in order not to be left without important...
The effectiveness of these elementary methods has been confirmed by research. Read on to find out more. 1. Breathe deeply This advice is simple, like everything, ingenious. Deep breathing in and out is a quick approach to alleviate tension. Proper breathing,...
According to a global study, 67.8 million people in Russia have social media accounts. We are constantly scrolling through the Instagram feed, distracted by notifications on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. They have many advantages; you are always in touch;...
General intelligence IQ has been known to many for a long time. But now, more and more people began to talk about the importance of emotional intelligence EQ - about how a person shares his feelings and understands other...
A step-by-step technique that will help you learn new skills. It seems that 24 hours is concise. But in fact, you can significantly improve your skills or learn something fundamentally new during this time. This is persuasively demonstrated by Josh...