If you are unexpectedly invited on a date, and there is little time to prepare, there is an easy way out, says the beautician. "If you sat with your friends yesterday, kissed a little champagne, you have edema today. Hit yourself on the cheeks, walk a piece of ice over your face, cheer up," advises cosmetologist Anna Galitsina. Read on.
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Or apply a gel mask and then move on to makeup.
"The first life hack - be sure to draw the eyebrows. The second life hack is a highlighter. Mandatory and my favorite. It refreshes the face, and it feels like we just returned from vacation. Next, draw eyelashes next to each other, apply gloss on the lips to give them a plumper appearance. Even in 5 minutes, you can make cool, light curls. To do this, apply dry shampoo to the hair, divide it into strands. And be sure to twist in the direction from the face. That's it; our look for a date is ready in 15 minutes "- the makeup artist painted the process.
And in only one and a half hours, you can lose weight from one to three kilograms.
If you have an important date on your nose, and you, for example, haven't worked your abs for a good six months, there is a life hack on how to tighten your body - a bandage wrap quickly. To do this, a special gel, salt, and lotion are applied to the body, wrapped with bandages, and laid under a thermal blanket for an hour and a half.
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"The procedure is perfect in that it immediately gives a visible, cool result. Even the waist sometimes leaves minus 5 centimeters. That is, you can easily look beautiful in your favorite black dress," advises the masseur Miroslava Motsak.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Today Lifestyle