Twitter is a social network that has grown a lot in recent years. It is used in a professional and personal way, and it has become a viral online communication and marketing tool used by companies. It is a handy method to receive and publish information in which each...
The days of always needing a sketchbook and pencil with you in case inspiration strikes are long gone. Instead, all you need is your phone or a tablet! Because digital art has become so prevalent, there are many great apps...
I frequently travel to places where I’ve never been before. I hate to arrive there and it doesn’t look like the picture I’ve envisioned. Or worse, get to the place people directed me to, and then waste time searching...
If you're a voracious reader, there are several convenient apps out there for you to use. For example, you will find audiobook platforms and recommendation apps with a simple Google search. To have the best of both worlds, then, Storytel...

FindNow - How to Download

When I heard about real-time location-tracking apps for the first time, it freaked me out. The idea of your family keeping tabs on your location 24/7 did not go down too well with me. But that was before my...
With the pandemic shutting us off from the outside world, people are increasingly migrating towards virtual entertainment sources. From online comedy shows to online cocktail workshops, we are constantly scouring for the next virtual dopamine rush. In the course of...
Stars have guided human civilizations since time immemorial. As a child, whenever I would switch on the television, I would wonder where the telecast was broadcasted from. It was through signals, right? But how? And where were these signals...
I always believed that whenever I wanted to buy something online, it has to be from a large-scale shopping website or an application. That was until I came across this stellar app known as Wish. I won’t lie; the adjustment...
When various online dating apps quickly grew in popularity, developers became extra motivated to create an app that would stand out. Most of the apps in the early years focused on the quantity or number of matches possible for...
Many people struggle to get a good night's sleep due to various reasons, including their fitness, the environment, and the food they consume during the day. Based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of every...