Homemade masks most likely won't work. With wrinkles, you will have to wage a real war. Read on to find out more.
Are wrinkles the norm?
Yes, wrinkles - a common phenomenon for healthy skin. These are folds and grooves that appear as the skin loses its elasticity and strength over time. However, even newborns have folds in the joints' area, where arms and legs bend and unbend, and "dressings" - where they have too much subcutaneous fat.
Where do they appear?
Wrinkles do not appear suddenly and all at once, except in the form of exceptions like systemic diseases, when a mass of cells suddenly accumulates in the skin. Therefore, predicting where wrinkles will appear is easy.
- Places where muscles contract most often. For example, if you frown or smile, wrinkles appear around your eyes and on your forehead.
- Places that are most often exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The sun, which gives us a tan, contributes to the appearance of wrinkles.
- Places where the skin is thin. There she loses collagen (a protein that is responsible for strength and elasticity) the fastest.
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What affects the appearance of wrinkles?
First of all, there is an age that does not spare anyone.
Secondly, wrinkles are the result of ultraviolet radiation. The sun also colors them, changing the structure of collagen. And the lighter the skin tone, the more it is prone to sun wrinkles. Cigarettes are the third primary enemy of smooth skin (another reason to stop smoking and even vaping).
When is it time to treat wrinkles?
Since wrinkles have no general negative effects on health, but only aesthetics, it all depends on the wallet and personal outlook on beauty. Of course, because wrinkles are unlikely to become fashionable anytime soon, prevention is always easier.
How to get rid of them?
All wrinkle treatments are cosmetic procedures. Even if we are talking about surgery, this is plastic, not for health reasons. Such manipulationsdo not fundamentally alter anything in the patient's condition but can improve well-being. And as we remember, health is physical and mental well-being, which is influenced by our reflection in the mirror.
Cosmetic procedures that treat wrinkles can be grouped into something like this.
1. Paralysis of the superficial muscles of the face. This is Botox and everything that looks like it. There is a bacterium called botulinum clostridium that is very harmful. Her toxin (that is, the poison she secretes) causes paralysis. For instance, if you consume a can of canned food infected with botulism, you can die from paralysis of the respiratory muscles. But humanity has learned to use this effect to its advantage.
The enterprising researchers purified and weakened the toxin to be injected into the spastic and superficial muscles of the face. Due to the toxin's action, they are paralyzed for up to three months, depending on the dose and the organism's characteristics. As a result, those wrinkles that have appeared due to muscle movements are smoothed out. The risks of taking Botox are headaches and flu-like symptoms.
2. Filling the grooves. Many drugs can be injected into deep wrinkle cavities to smooth out the inside. For example, the same hyaluronic acid, which is now used for filling wrinkles, and for lip augmentation, and correcting the face's shape
There is a huge list of fillers approved for use by the FDA (American Food and Drug Administration), ranging from the patient's own fat cells (pumped out in one place, pumped in another), collagen (and a host of drugs based on it), lactic acid, hydroxyapatite, as well as their various combinations. Do not forget about silicone and mineral oils, which, although they are becoming a thing of the past due to their insecurity, are still popular.
What exactly to use and how the cosmetologist must decide. A lot relies on the medication that the clinic or salon employs, how much you are willing to pay, and how much you are willing to take the risk. Most injectable rejuvenation methods require constant repetition because fillers dissolve under the skin. It returns to its original state (if we are lucky ). If not, we observe terrible side effects and disfigured faces).
Also read: 10 Foods That Help Combat Skin Aging
What to do to reduce wrinkles?
There are not so many ways to avoid the appearance of wrinkles. For example, you could always stroll with a stone face to provoke the appearance of facial wrinkles (well, at least not to frown).
No matter what anyone may say, genetics will have an impact on the skin's quality.
On the other hand, we can lessen the negative factors that damage and damage our skin. This is, of course, sun and smoking. Therefore, you should always carry cream with you. UV protection with you, and never carry cigarettes with you.
Tanning has come into fashion relatively recently, and there is an opinion that it is time to take it out of this fashion - in the end, skin health is dearer to us. A light tan obtained naturally or on the beach, but with sunscreen, may well fill the need for vitamin D (especially if you eat a fatty fish). Only hyaluronic acid (or something similar) will fill wrinkles.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Life hacker