How Dates Are Useful For Health And How They Can Harm

Dates are food for long-livers all because of the rather saturated composition - there are a lot of nutrients and vitamins in dates. The high amount of sugar (93 g per glass) is the only drawback.  Therefore, keep in mind that those who have diabetes, obesity should forget about dates. Let's take a closer look at these sweet fruits together with nutritionist Alena Chernikova.

Before talking about the benefits and harms of dates, it is necessary to name what is present in them.

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  • Vitamins of group B, PP
  • Iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus

And thanks to these vitamins and trace elements, dates

  • Lower cholesterol
  • Cherish the heart
  • Normalize bowel function
  • Strengthen bones
  • Normalize blood pressure
  • Improve the condition of the skin and hair
  • Useful for pregnant women

The optimal daily intake of dates for adults is no more than 10 pieces. Consuming them first thing in the morning is recommended. And certainly not every day. As a reminder, dates have a high glycemic index and high carbohydrate content. Be sure to drink dates with water while drinking. Otherwise, the sugar will hit your teeth like a hammer, so it is not far from caries.

For dates to be as useful as possible, they must be selected and stored correctly

How Dates Are Useful For Health And How They Can Harm
Image source: І / royal_finik /


It should not be cracked or too stiff. If so, then the date was dried at a high temperature, which destroyed all the beneficial nutrients. The rind of a good dried fruit of medium hardness, no cracks, elastic.


Dark. If the dates are light brown, y were picked unripe and boiled in sugar syrup. They will be of no use to you. The dark color of the fruit indicates that it has naturally ripened on a palm tree.


To make the product attractive and glossy, sellers often lubricate the surface with oily solutions. The composition of these solutions is not known, but it is problematic to wash them off since the oily film does not allow washing the fruits. Don't buy shiny dates; go for matte-skinned dates.


It is advisable to store dates in a dark, cool area in an airtight (glass) container.

Who should give up on dates

How Dates Are Useful For Health And How They Can Harm
Image source: Pexels

People with individual intolerance. If you are unsure if you are allergic to dates or not, you should see your doctor for a test.

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Also, dates are bad for teeth. They can cause tooth decay. Dentists advise to wash them down with either warm tea without sugar or just warm water if it is not possible to brush your teeth. Diabetics should take dates with extreme caution. The reason is the high sugar content. The attending physician should determine the average daily intake of datess.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Today Lifestyle