Figs: Health Benefits And Harms

Fig, often known as fig tree, is a delicious and healthy fruit of yellow, green, and purple. We eat it fresh in its prime months of August and late autumn. In winter and spring - dried. And yes, this "oriental beauty" is beneficial. But how exactly it supports our body and how to choose the best one - nutritionist Alena Chernikova will tell us more.

What is better to combine figs with

  • Figs are useful in any form; fresh, dried, fried, and baked. Figs are used to make jam, jam, meat; salads are cooked with it; they even make wine.
  • In some countries, it is baked with meat and nuts.
  • Figs perfectly complement rich cheeses and aged hams (prosciutto, ham).
  • Dried figs are eaten in the same way as raisins or other dried fruits. To make it more juicy and soft, you can pre-soak it in water or fruit juice.
  • Blending blended figs with balsamic vinegar and olive oil for a healthy and delicious homemade salad dressing

But to get the maximum benefits from figs and satisfy your taste buds, it is important to choose the right berry. So

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How to choose figs

  • The berry should not be too soft or too hard.
  • It should give in to pressure but not turn into mush.
  • Figs are stored in the refrigerator for no longer than three days; then, they lose their taste and benefits.

Why figs are useful

Figs: Health Benefits And Harms

With their low-calorie content, fresh figs satisfy hunger well and give a feeling of fullness for a long time, so they are a good way to fight excess weight.

  • Fresh figs contain 49 kcal per 100 g of product and dried - 257 kcal per 100g
  • Figs are rich in fiber, vitamins, and trace elements.
  • It contains vitamins of group B, A, C, K, E and beta-carotene, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. Excellent support for strong immunity
  • Fig normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland.
  • Good for the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as it thins the blood
  • Reduces cholesterol levels
  • It is an excellent antipyretic
  • Figs are considered an excellent remedy for anemia.

Who can't use figs

Figs: Health Benefits And Harms
  • Even the most useful product should be consumed with knowledge of measure and caution. Figs can be eaten no more than 4-5 pieces per day so that there are no problems with the stomach and intestines.
  • More Figs - Possible GI Disorders
  • It is also important to remember about moderation for people suffering from gastritis and diabetes.
  • Figs are not allowed for people with stomach ulcers, kidney diseases, inflammatory processes in the intestines, gout

Also read: Feijoa: Benefits, Harms, And How To Eat Them Correctly.

What about dried figs?

Figs: Health Benefits And Harms

It is crucial to keep in mind that the quantity of sugar in dried fruits increases significantly, namely - up to 70%. Consider this if you have diabetes and are overweight. The optimal amount of dried figs for healthy people is 2-3 pieces per day.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Today Lifestyle