No hugs! Covid has forced people to avoid contact, and because of this, they feel sad and depressed, psychologists say. Is there a way out, and what can replace traditional hugs - further in the material?
What can replace hugs: five ways
Griffith University, Australia, has suggested replacing tight hugs with elbows. Doctors from the Dnieper also advise this. After all, there can be up to 150 types of bacteria on the palms.
In the medical lyceum, such congratulations are already the norm. According to the student Darya Valchuk, they and their classmates raise their hand and say hello remotely. The girl notes that some contact is missing, but she is sure that these changes will benefit.
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The same opinion is shared by another student of this lyceum, Aleksey Andryushchenko, who notes that classmates have become less in contact, primarily with each other and between students of other classes. But for learning, so as not to stay at home - it's better this way.
Meanwhile, the World Health Organization offers several more alternatives: kicking and bowing. This is how people around the world express their respect during the meeting.
But the grandmother from Italy does not recognize any congratulations, except for winks.
For those who cannot live without hugs, the British have invented a special device made of a film that allows you to hug a person but not exchange a virus or microbes with him.
What does the ban on hugs threaten the psyche: the answer of a psychologist
Shaking hands, hugging, and kissing greatly affects a person's mood, says the psychologist.
After all, the hormone of happiness - serotonin - is released from touch. It's been shown to lower blood pressure and anxiety levels.
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Psychologist Maxim Reutsky says that if there is no hug, close contact, there is a feeling that the moment of rapprochement, the moment of emotional contact, did not occur. Is the person honest with me, is he glad to see me? Do we have a good relationship?
The psychologist says; hugs should be replaced by warmer and more lasting communication. This is how you can feel needed, confident, and happy.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Today Lifestyle