5 Tips For Healthy Eyes

During the day, our eyes are under enormous strain. Therefore, you need to take care of them to maintain a vision for many years. Here are more tips for you.

1. Do a warm-up for the eyes

If you're frequently in front of a computer screen, then you probably noticed that already in the middle of the working day, fatigue and dry eyes appear - after all, looking at the monitor, we blink twice less often.

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The monitor ought to be positioned just below eye level, at a distance of about 60 cm. Use an anti-reflective coating to prevent light from the screen from reflecting into your eyes. Exercise your eyes every 20 minutes. To do this, look at an object approximately 6 meters away from the computer for 20 seconds.

2. Always wear sunglasses

Ultraviolet radiation is harmful not only to the skin but also to the eyes. It may cause corneal burns, cataracts, and even eyelid cancer. You must wear sunglasses or special lenses with a UV filter to protect your eyes from the damaging effects of ultraviolet light.  Remember to wear glasses even on a cloudy day, since UV photons are reflected by snow, water, sand, and asphalt.

3. Use safety glasses

Eye injury can be obtained at work and home if safety rules are not followed. Use goggles to protect your eyes from small particles or chemicals. In sports like basketball, skiing, or swimming, you should also choose safety glasses. They will help prevent eye damage.

The lenses of goggles must be made of polycarbonate. Polycarbonate has a 10 times greater impact resistance than other materials.

4. Include foods that are good for the heart and eyes in the diet

Foods that improve blood circulation will keep your heart and eyes healthy. These include citrus fruits, herbs, and cereals, among others. Foods high in zinc can help prevent UV damage: beans, peas, nuts, oysters, lean red meat, or poultry.

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Beta-carotene, found in carrots and other yellow and orange foods, is very beneficial for vision. In our body, beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A, which can lead to vision problems. Lutein and zeaxanthin are substances that are also good for the eyes. They are found in greens, spinach, kale, and other leafy vegetables.

5. Don't ignore eye pain

A cold compress, antihistamines, or eye drops can help relieve redness and itching. If you feel like sand has got into your eyes, flush your eyes with cold water or isotonic solution.

If symptoms persist, eyes are swollen, sore, or sensitive to light; it is best not to self-medicate and seek medical attention.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Life hacker