Smart Working: Tips For Not Bothering Your Partner While Working

Living together with your partner and doing smart work under the same roof may not be easy. Spaces in the house are considerably reduced and life as a couple could be put to a test. It takes a lot of patience. Already living together is the art of compromise, now you have to seek new balances. How do you do it?

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Get the day off to a good start.  Before the lockdown, you had your own routine in the morning. Today you get together right away. Make sure you start the day with a positive intention towards your spouse or partner.

Share your schedule. Even though you're at home, you probably still have a busy schedule.  You should set the times of your day and let people know when you have important commitments.

Smart Working: Tips For Not Bothering Your Partner While Working
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

Take a (virtual) break. Regardless of how much you love your partner, it's possible to get irritated after spending too much time with him. If working and living is getting too urgent, create some breathing room by calling a friend or family member.

Keep the love story alive. Let's face it; It can be challenging to keep the spark alive when you spend every single minute with each other. However, it is important to show a little more love.

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Communication is the key. Spending hours together doesn't mean communicating. Try asking him how his day went. Prioritize your relationship during this time of heightened anxiety, always trying not to bring controversy.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Donnad