After graduation, most people experience a period of depression; they are no longer students. They still do not have a fulfilling job (they are often unemployed), and they are forced to live with their parents for economic reasons. It is essential to understand that it is a normal and temporary phase.
Reaching the graduation goal is very important and gives great satisfaction. However, if you just finished, you are not immediately committed to a new adventure (whether it is a subsequent course of study, an internship, or a first job), a motorcycle can often take over a bit of despair. Nearly half of the graduates surveyed by the City Mental Health Alliance admit that their mental well-being declined after leaving university (49%). Post-graduate mental health problems are increasingly common, but they are also completely normal. And this is the most crucial thing.
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The "postgraduate blues" is the fruit of a series of things; the crucial life change and the pressure to "get serious" and make important choices for the future. Paradoxically, we stop being small. Many people may experience a loss of identity. Also, there is another problem; living with parents, who may continue to put pressure on the job, can make everything more complex.
If this bluesy feeling sounds familiar, it simply means that you are looking for your place in the world and that you are confronting yourself with a new reality, and learning to orient yourself. What can you do to win the moment? Leaving college can feel like losing your student status - It's crucial to maintain things in perspective and recognize that there's a long working life ahead of you.
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It is also important to analyze and recognize your strengths, especially if you have received the first rejections at work. To keep your mind healthy, you need to do some sport. The ' Regular exercise will have a greater impact than a one-off effort so that you can set a daily routine. And then be patient. You will achieve your goals, but you need time.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Donnad