How To Grow Gazania: 11 Useful Tips

In the garden or pots on the balcony, you find yourself with particular flowers, which open with the sun and close in the evening or on overcast days. However, most people have no idea how to take of them. If you are the person I am talking about, then you have come to the right place. Keep in mind that Gazania is native to southern Africa and may be affected by aphids.

1)To cultivate gazania, add sand to the soil to make it quite fertile.

2) You can also put some organic fertilizer on it.

3) If you grow it in the pot, prepare a layer of expanded clay at the container's bottom before planting it.

Read also: Growing Raspberries: Tips And Tricks

4) Do you want to plant more gazanias? Make sure there are about 30 centimeters between the plants and between the rows.

5) To grow gazania, choose a sunny place.

6) How to grow gazanias in winter? if the temperatures are rigid, cover the plants with non-woven fabric or move them inside, always in a sunny position. Otherwise, don't worry about protection (Gazania generally has a resistance threshold around 10 degrees).

7) Regarding watering, in the winter season, reduce watering or stop it completely.

8) In general, it is better to avoid water stagnation.

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9) In the summer, tend to water the Gazania in the presence of dry soil.

10) You can fertilize gazania with a product for flowering plants, especially during development and towards the end of summer.

11) A small gesture that can help new blooms; clean the gazania from dried flowers.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Donnad