Here are the Best Aromatic Plants to Grow at Home

This group of herbs known as aromatic plants have quite unique characteristics. They have a slight aroma, although on certain occasions somewhat intense, and also pleasant to the smell. Growing these plants at home could offer certain health benefits, and they are also very decorative. Most of these plants are small and bushy. Therefore, there won't be any issues with knowing which ones to choose if you don't have much space.

Before explaining the process for growing these aromatic plants in more detail, there are certain things to keep in mind. The world of aromatic herbs is very wide, and although there are some very rustic, others have complicated cultivation, this being a very important factor when it comes to growing them at home, in order to avoid feeling frustrated.

Growing Aromatic Plants at Home

Aromatic plants
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

Commonly, when there is the idea of ​​growing some aromatic plants in the garden, or indoors, a vegetable garden is available. However, being a vegetable garden, you usually have to have a lot of space for the development of plants. And while this would be ideal, it doesn't have to be indispensable. For the cultivation of these aromatic herbs, we explain the following fundamental keys. In this way, the growth of these plants will have the best success.


Each of the varieties has certain needs that are specific, but there is a detail in common in all of them. Proper lighting and quantity is essential to grow any aromatic plant . Therefore, an appropriate place should be chosen, where the plant receives up to six hours of sunlight per day.

Sewer System

These are plants that need to be watered very frequently. Remembering at all times that control must be maintained. Excessive watering becomes serious problems for the roots. That the land has excellent drainage is a necessary element for the cultivation of aromatic herbs. By this, it does not mean that when pots are used, they only have holes in the base. A layer with earth must be created, which allows the correct evacuation of the excess water.


Aromatic plants
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

For this type of plant, not any kind of substrate is valid. It should be a specific one to be used in orchards. By choosing a specific substrate for consumption plants, it is guaranteed that the plants have a better quality when they are cultivated.

So, no matter where you want to grow aromatic plants, it will be essential to choose the right substrate. Something that should not remain in the background, since it is part of the most basic care that these plants require. Not simply to offer all the nutrients they require, they also promote water drainage.

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Plant Container

For those with limited space to grow these aromatic herbs, you can use pots so that they develop without problems. However, you will need to be extremely careful with the choice of the pot, since not all are appropriate.

Clay pots are the best alternative to aromatic ones. Mud is a material that allows better evaporation of water, preventing puddles from forming. Another excellent alternative is the development of a vertical garden. They are ideal when it comes to making the most of the spaces at home. And they also offer a decorative and natural touch to the surface.

Crop Planning

For the cultivation of aromatic plants indoors, not just any variety should be chosen. Only the varieties that have a higher resistance have to be taken into account, which has a better chance of surviving in internal environments. We must also bear in mind the life cycle of plants. Some are evergreen, others have a cycle of two years, or even shorter.


Certain species of aromatics have greater resistance to changes in temperature, but most are cold. In other words, they don't tolerate excessively cold temperatures very well. Due to this, when they are grown at home, it is necessary to protect them from low temperatures. But you also have to take into account that excess heat will also cause damage to plants.

Prune the Plants

When the season ends for each plant, a pruning must be done. And the ideal moment indicates it when the flowering season ends. In this way, the flowers that have withered will have to be removed, to help the plant revitalize itself. Allowing that for the following season, the growth is much more vigorous.

Tips For Better Crops

Aromatic plants
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

In addition to the basic care and details that have been explained, these are additional tips that must be applied for a better result in cultivation.

Place Annuals and Perennials Separately

As already mentioned, there are varieties of aromatic plants that are annual, perennial, or biennial. It is very useful to know the treatment that each plant needs. The difference that exists in each of these cycles represents a problem if they are planted together. Since the management for the space of each floor is completely different.

The varieties that are annual and the biennial ones require a replacement every season or two. For perennials, they will need to stay indoors if temperatures are very cold, and they may need a pot change if they grow too large.

Group Several Plants in a Large Pot

Inside a pot, space is limited and the substrate dries faster. And that is a factor that increases if the pot is smaller. Because of this, it is preferable to choose a large pot and place several plants inside. With more space, the substrate will not dry as quickly.

In addition to this, when larger plants are combined with smaller ones, the space in the pot is completely covered. Preventing the sun's rays from causing damage to plants, and moisture will be preserved much better. But not only that, as it is a polyculture, the pests will be confused and their attacks decrease.

Do Not Overharvest

Harvesting aromatic herbs helps promote their development, keeping them in the growth phase. With that, they will not reach maturity and flowering causing them to die. During this growth stage, the flavor of the leaves will be more intense. However, there are no more than a third of the plant's leaves. The growth of the plant will be impacted if this occurs.

The growth stage will be extended if some flowers are removed, so the leaves will stay fresh longer.

Combine Seeds with Plants

There are many advantages that seeds have, compared to plants that are bought in a nursery, offering a better adaptation to the definitive environment, and there is the possibility of staggered plantings.

Even so, being a home garden of aromatic plants , it is advisable to make a combination. Buying plants that are slow-growing, and leaving the seeds for plants that are annual or biennial, will offer better results in cultivation.

Conserve Plants

On certain occasions, there is excess production for consumption. An excellent idea for this kind of situation is to conserve the crops that have been obtained to avoid losing them. There are various preservation methods for aromatic herbs. One of these is to place the leaves to dry, to be used as a condiment in meals.

Different Aromatic Plants to Have at Home

There are many varieties of aromatic herbs that exist, but the easiest for cultivation are those that we will mention below.


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This is one of the most used for meals, and it is also really easy to grow. It needs a lot of light, if it is placed in a window it will receive up to 6 hours of illumination. If the light is not as readily available, it is best to try a variety of small leaves. The purple basil or cannelle, has a better adaptation to the shade.


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It requires a lot of sun, and it grows very well in any kind of soil. It also has a lot of resistance to drought. With regard to compost, it is better to avoid those fertilizers with too many minerals. Otherwise, its resistance to low temperatures will suffer. There are different varieties to choose from, such as compact, or variegan thyme.


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One of the aromatic plants that are easier to adapt indoors is chives since it does not need much light and it is not as reproductive. Its adaptation to the internal conditions of the house is quite fast if the plant is purchased. To transplant it, the top part will have to be cut so that the growth is strengthened.


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It is not an extremely demanding plant. Just give it plenty of watering on hot days, and keep it compact. Avoid excessive humidity, you will guarantee the health of the plant. Another important piece of information for sage is to offer it a fertilizer that is granulated.


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Having rosemary at home offers the opportunity to have a good seasoning for meals. This plant is quite resistant to climatic and soil adversities. So it can be harvested throughout the year. Its cultivation is from the seeds, although a better quality of the plant is obtained if cuttings are used.


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The best time to grow oregano is between March and April. A transplant to the pot is necessary when the plant has developed at least four leaves. It will be necessary to maintain the humidity in the soil, to guarantee a better development of the plant. And the best of all is that having oregano in a home will help repel ants and flies.


Image source: Pixaby

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Although the growth of parsley is somewhat slow in its first weeks, when it is fully developed it is quite reproductive. Bearing this in mind, the plant must be allowed to grow more than a hand with respect to its size. In this way, the leaves will be much more enjoyable. When it comes to increasing the plant's lifespan, the flower stalks must be cut.


Image source: Shutterstock

It is one of the aromatic plants with the most pleasant aroma. Its growth expands very easily. For this characteristic, it is better to plant mint in pots individually. The vigor of mint, and its ability to adapt to the shade, make it perfect for growing indoors.

Bottom Line

These aromatic plants are not only the best companions in the kitchen, they are also good for your health. Therefore, growing aromatic plants at home will be like killing two birds with one stone.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Bioguia