Hygiene and safety in the home become a priority especially for children to play and live in peace. There are some very specific behaviors and rules to be respected in order to have a child-proof home environment. Here is more.
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In his bedroom
The bedroom will become their privileged place, which is why it must be as safe and tidy as possible. All electrical outlets in the room, like those in the rest of the house, must be secured and covered with protective systems.

Today the safest sockets are produced with very small holes that do not allow the insertion of metal points, thus avoiding any possible risk. The edges must be made harmless with special protections, better to avoid carpets unless they are non-slip. When the child is very young, avoid leaving potentially dangerous objects around unattended, such as ropes, strings or other toys that can become dangerous, such as very large or very small objects.
Cleaning and hygiene
Cleaning of the room must be frequent, the first thing to do is to air the room in the morning to get adequate air exchange. Pillows and blankets will need to be shaken and aired at least once a week and the mattress should also be aired and turned periodically.
The furniture should be vacuumed and dusted at least two or three times a week to keep the area tidy. When washing linen and baby items it is advisable to use special products and proceed with an adequate rinse to avoid the persistence of residues. On moist surfaces, germs can survive and multiply rapidly, you can help prevent germs from growing by keeping surfaces, toys and clothes clean and dry.
Store cleaning products in a locked cabinet, away from food, and in a place not accessible to children. Keep the products in their original containers and do not remove the labels, also rinse the meters well after each use to avoid accidentally mixing the products.
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Other areas of the house
The balcony, the small terrace and the access to the stairs must never be left open and unattended, but must always be blocked with grates or gates.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Donnad