Things To Do On Video Call: 5 Ideas To Try

The things to do in video calls make us pass the time sharing it with the people we love, even from a distance. With simple ideas, we spend moments of relaxation and fun with friends, family, and parents. Here is more.

1) An activity that requires a periodic appointment can be the exchange of knowledge; those who know something can teach it to the other at a distance, with demonstrations in a videoconference and the sharing of materials and tutorials. For instance, you can learn or teach a language, sewing, crochet, decoupage, history, etc.

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2) Another idea to have fun is to prepare a recipe together that can be taken from the network or a magazine, or it can be a dish that you or the other person usually makes. It will be interesting to see how everyone goes to serve!

Things To Do On Video Call: 5 Ideas To Try
Image source: Reroduction/Internet

3) Among the things to do in a video call, you can read a book together, with two or more voices. One person is the narrator, and the others take turns, giving voice to the characters or alternate reading a chapter.

4) An alternative is to play group games or games designed specifically for boys and girls.

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5) To decide what to do in a video call, also think about a fun race. One of the jury participants and the others challenge each other with singing performances, theater or jobs, and recipes. The most essential thing is to have fun and spend moments together lightly.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Donnad