Psychology professor Jack Schafer worked as a special agent for the FBI for many years. In many covert operations, he had to turn on the charm on click. Jack says that there is a golden rule that you can...
Learn how to follow your heart and, at the same time, remain professional. Spending time with someone on a regular basis will inevitably lead to the development of a romantic relationship. Social psychologists found in the late 1960s that...
Parting with a loved one is a serious test. But you can make it even more unbearable by doing various stupid things. Keep reading to find out.
How to ruin your life after a breakup
1. Continue to be together
Although it...
To make a great impression, you need to learn how to control facial expressions and choose the right demeanor. Read on to find out more.
1. Smile
We look at a person's face for less than 0.1 seconds and already form...
Never say this at work unless you want to provoke someone's righteous anger inadvertently. Read on to find out more.
1. The deadline was yesterday!
What a twist! Agree, no one should work at night or overtime due to a colleague's...
Surprisingly, thinking about death will help you become happier, but a comfortable life will not. Read along to find out more.
1. Imagine life without what you love
Negative visualization is a representation of a life without dear people and things....
Even the strongest and most independent individuals inevitably adapt to their environment. This is why it is so essential to be among those who inspire you.
To succeed and realize your most ambitious plans, you should stay away from those...
Friends directly affect our ability to be productive and achieve meaningful results. We will figure out why this is happening and tell you how to form a close communication circle. After planning, the second step towards any change in...
Sometimes friendship becomes a burden, and no one is to blame for this. Unfortunately, friendship can grow as well as children's pants. If this happens, then communication is no longer a pleasure. It generally comes to naught because there...
Although modesty is not a fault, extreme shyness might interfere with your personal life and career. We have collected specific and really working methods that will help you finally get out of the cocoon and start communicating normally with...