Negative Traits Of Men That Attract Women

This is explained by the fact that women want to find a strong, confident, and physically attractive partner for conception. Women are attracted to men who possess a "dark triad," which psychologists decipher as narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy.

A group of psychologists reported this from the UK, Poland, and Finland, who published their research in the scientific journal Evolution and Human Behavior, writes The Daily Telegraph.

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They also explained that narcissism is characterized by megalomania, pride, narcissism, and lack of empathy; Machiavellianism includes the manipulation and exploitation of others, cynical disregard for morality, self-interest, and deceit, and the main features of psychopathy are antisocial behavior, impulsivity, selfishness. Heartlessness and ruthlessness.

It is noted that all three features are associated with a heartlessly manipulative interpersonal style, writes Novoye Vremya.

The study of psychologists involved 2370 women, who were asked to choose photographs of the most attractive men.

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Psychologists explain this because women want to find a strong, confident, and physically attractive partner to conceive healthy offspring. At the same time, women instinctively regard these negative personality traits in a man as an indicator of good genes and good health - both physical and moral.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Today Lifestyle