How to Write a Graduation Speech

The graduation is a crucial moment for all students. The effort of years is finally rewarded, and family and friends, along with all the teaching staff, gather to celebrate this moment with the graduates.
At these graduation parties, usually, several people are chosen to make a speech. If we are one of these selected, it may be useful for us to learn a series of tricks that will teach us how to make a graduation speech.

Steps to Follow

Step One

The first thing we have to face up to this great challenge is brainstorming. Think, remember, and write down. Take a piece of paper and start writing down everything that comes to your mind when thinking about these years of study.

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If it doesn't make much sense, don't worry. They are just notes. These words will help us to draw more fluently the lines of our graduation speech.

Step Two

In a graduation speech, we must think about who we are addressing. This is very important to be able to establish the tone that we want to give the text. The easiest thing is to start making a script where we write everything we would like to be said to ourselves at a graduation ceremony, about the effort made and about the moments that we have left to live.

Step Three

Try to mark the parts of the text. In other words, make your graduation speech have a clear introduction, body, and denouement. In the introduction, don't forget to greet everyone present.

Step Four

Anecdotes from teachers and students can be introduced into these graduation speeches. Familiar or unknown endearing moments. These types of resources will make our speech much closer to the public of the graduation ceremony.

Step Five

Another option is to narrate in the first person what all these years have meant, the course with your classmates and your teachers, and what you hope will happen from now on.

graduation speech
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

Step Six

Try to avoid making your speech too long. Keep it short. If it is too long in the end, the listeners will become disinterested and cease listening to what you say. The success of your intervention in graduation will happen to be clear and concise.

Step Seven

Even if you introduce some anecdotes, try that the global content can be understood by everyone present, not only by students and teachers. Remember that in these graduation ceremonies, many relatives have not lived from day to day.

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Step Eight

Avoid negative comments at all costs. Don't fall for offensive or protesting comments. It is a pleasant time to remember, do not allow this type of content to arouse rejection from others.

Step Nine

Finally, before facing the graduation speech, review the writing with a partner to see what they think. At the same time, memorize it. This will help you to read much more fluently on the day of the intervention.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Uncomo