How to Remove Bleach Stains from Clothes

The biggest problem with bleach is that it discolors the fabric it falls on, deteriorating the pigments in the clothes and making their original color disappear. In this article, we offer you some tips on how to remove bleach stains from clothes so that you can solve the damage caused by this product.

It takes some time for bleach to discolor the garment it has fallen on. Therefore, if you think that the product has splashed any of your clothes, run to spray it with plenty of alcohol or eau de toilette. This way, you can prevent the color of your garment from disappearing.

Bleach in clothes
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

If the bleach has already acted and discolored any area of ​​your garment, you will no longer be able to undo the mess. The only possible solution is to dye the garment with clothing dye.

Read also: How to Remove Lint from Clothes.

In these cases, it isn't easy to find the exact shade that matches your garment. So you should ask a specialist.

Once you get the right dye, you can dye the entire garment, or cover only the fragment that the bleach has discolored.

If you are a good painter and good at crafts, you can make the bleach stain on your clothes disappear by painting on it. In this way, you will end the stain problem, and also, you will have a unique and original shirt.

How to Remove Bleach Stains from Clothes - Step 5
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

Also read: How to Remove Slime from Clothes 

Remember that an excellent way to avoid bleach stains on clothes is to wear old clothes when handling the product.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Uncomo