The behavior of each dog, and sometimes the predominant breed in their genes, has a direct influence on the way they bark and the frequency with which they bark. Although it is a way to express their furry, it is also true that at certain times the barking is very inopportune and annoying. Therefore, if you ask yourself, " how to make my dog not bark? "keep reading.
Why does my dog bark A lot?
In order to reduce your dog's excessive barking, it is essential to detect the reasons that lead to it. This way, you can analyze the situation in a better position and find the most appropriate solutions. These are the causes of a dog barking a lot.
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- Separation anxiety: when your dog stays at home alone and spends a lot of time without you and the rest of the family who resides at home, he can accumulate anxiety and bark excessively, because if he is very dependent on someone in the family, the fact of not understanding for so long without that person or if this person will return. Also, to release that anxiety, he will do anything that helps him vent that energy, such as biting the furniture or objects that he has within reach.
- Loneliness: leaving it almost all day alone at home because you work long hours and other reasons that lead you to spend a large part of the day outside the home is a problem. If you think it will be the usual trend, try to find solutions: make sure that someone you trust spends time with your canine or try to leave some toys to entertain him, among other tips, you will see later in this article.
- Stress accumulation: meeting all the needs of your dog is essential to guarantee its well-being, that is, walk it every day, provide it with food and water regularly, strengthen the bond with it or give it freedom of expression. If you lack in any of these aspects, you can use barking to channel accumulated stress.
- Treats at inappropriate times: At certain times, your dog's barking and gestures can be funny. Applauding this behavior has its pros and cons: you will be comfortable at that time, but when he barks in contexts that make you uncomfortable, it will be difficult for him to stop because he may have learned what you like. So, when educating a dog, you have to take several factors into account and do it well. If you think you are not sure about some aspects, it is best to contact a trainer and/or a canine ethologist to teach you and help you to educate your dog.
- Socialization problems: relating the canine with other people, dogs, and other animals is essential for it to develop social skills from a puppy. Still, some bark a lot when they share time and space with more dogs, humans, and other animals. Faced with this conflict, ask a professional for help to find the best solution.
- Other factors that cause your canine friend to bark include frustration, excess accumulated energy, genetic factors, dangers and fears, health-related issues such as deafness, and a vigilant spirit at home, even when the doorbell rings.
How to stop my dog from barking so much - tips
If you've ever wondered "How do I get my dog to stop barking?" you have come to the right place. The following tips will help you accomplish this, but you should always keep in mind that each dog is special. Some tricks may work and others may not. Take note of these tips on how to stop my dog from barking but keep in mind that you may need the help of an ethologist and canine trainer.
- Do not hit the canine to stop itfrom barking. These actions will only cause fear and stress, increasing the barking accordingly. Put yourself in their shoes and think about what it would do to you if someone did it to you.
- Exercise and play with your furry friend. In this way, you will get tired and release all the energy you have, having less desire to bark and make noise.
- When you detect that he intends on barking and you don't want him to do it excessively, pay attention to him. Try to get him to do certain tricks, and if he obeys you, reward him with a treat so he will quickly forget the barking. That is, we recommend that whether he is already doing it or if you sense that he will start to do it, you distract him with something that you know he likes (a toy, playing or an activity with you, etc.) and then, when he is focused on this toy or game with you and no longer bark, give him a treat or treat. So take actions that concentrate, relax, and reassure him.
- Set an example, and don't get upset if you are walking, and he starts barking. Be calm and do not pick up the leash or jerk it if it is barking at other dogs, as it can cause problems with its vocal cords or windpipe and it can also understand the shaking and tension of the leash as another sign of alert and bark more.
- Practice seeding to encourage relaxation. It is a small exercise to enhance a dog's senses and stimulate tracking skills and concentration on something positive.
- Respect the socialization times so that the canine interacts little by little with other dogs and people.
- Avoid situations that generate a lot of stress and look for quiet moments to walk if you have a terrible time at peak times and get stressed that is, look for moments for the walk-in hours and places where there is little activity on the street. Once you notice an improvement, you will be ready to walk in busier areas.
How to stop my dog from barking when alone
Some dogs tend to bark more than usual when left home alone. If this is the case with yours, at OneHOWTO, we give you the following tricks so that your dog does not bark a lot when he is alone at home :
- Take a walk, exercise, or play with him to get him tired and, when you get home, want to rest if you plan to spend many hours away from home later.
- The sound of the television, relaxing music and interactive toys will help keep your furry companion entertained and, at the same time, keep him from feeling lonely.
- Try to be separated from him before you leave the house, and if you want to say goodbye, do it very briefly. In this way, you will feel less frustration when you leave.
- Even if he barks just outside the front door, don't go back in to reprimand or calm him down. Otherwise, it will find that it is the best way to get your attention.
- Do small simulations of leaving home even if you don't. Thus, the canine may bark, but it will decrease in intensity until it becomes tired. Afterward, take short outings so that he gradually gets used to loneliness and can assume longer intervals in the medium term. However, remember that it is not best to leave a dog home alone for many hours.
- Another tip is that you leave clothes with your scent on his bed or in the place where he usually lies down to rest. In this way, she will notice your smell and will be calmer. A garment that smells strongly of detergent or fabric softener will not work as this will dull the sense of smell, and it will be difficult for them to perceive your smell.
How to Stop my Dog from Barking at Other Dogs
Think about " how do I stop my dog from barking ?" It is shared by many people who cannot find the most suitable method for them and their dogs. Throughout this article, you will have discovered several aspects of how to achieve it. However, if your dog barks a lot at other dogs when he is with them or already sees them from a distance, follow these instructions to stop him.
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- Observe the specific distance from other dogs with which he begins to bark. Try not to cross directly with canines until you correct this aspect.
- Reassure him by stroking, stopping, and making him sit up to calm him down. In this way, you will put a safe distance between your dog and the rest.
- Gradually reduce this distance so that the dog's socialization improves.
- Focus his attention on you so that he forgets his surroundings and calms down.
- Repeat all these actions with each walk until the improvement is enough to stop barking every time he sees or is with other dogs.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Unicom