How To Pump Your Hands With Your Own Weight

Big and strong hands are practically the no. 1 target for beginners in bodybuilding. Simultaneously, more experienced athletes are not averse to increase the strength and volume of hand muscles. So, if working with weights is not for you, and voluminous hands want, we will tell you what to do.

Contrary to common misconceptions, it is impossible to pump your hands apart from the whole body. The hand's makeup muscles are about 5-15% (depending on the individual characteristics and the athlete's level of preparedness)) of the total muscle mass and develop in conjunction with the rest of the body muscles.

On the other hand, the load that hands receive during complex exercises is not enough for active development and is inferior to narrowly focused work inefficiency.

Exercises on the hands should be performed no more than 2 times a week to avoid catabolic processes. Remember the need to recover and rest for muscles; it will be the key to their strengthening and stable growth.

Read also: How to Know if Exercise is Working

What to do for hand muscle development

When we talk about hand muscle development, we primarily refer to biceps and triceps exercises, the growth of these muscle groups that are best reflected in your arms' volume and make you stronger.

1. Reverse Australian pull-ups

The technique of performing ordinary Australian pull-ups is certainly familiar to you. The reverses will be somewhat more complicated than the standard; the load is concentrated in the hands, the bicep is best loaded.
You also take the crossbar with a reverse grip, but hanging is with your back to it. You look at the floor, slowly lift yourself to the crossbar, and just as slowly lower.

From your heel to your shoulders, your body needs to be in a straight line; no bends should be allowed. This is the only way to maximize efficiency when performing reverse Australian pull-ups.

2. Pulling up by a narrow reverse grip

A classic exercise on the biceps. Many neglects it, and very in vain. Taking the turnstile narrow reverse grip, make pull-ups slowly, working out the biceps. And remember, no jerks.

3. Pulling up with hands behind his back

A sporadic exercise in which pull-ups are performed after you occupy a position with your back to the crossbar. Exercise is worth mastering; it literally isolates the load, putting your body's entire weight onto your biceps. Don't forget about safety.

How To Pump Your Hands With Your Own Weight
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

4. Horizontal pull-ups

Doing this exercise can also cause difficulties initially, but a little practice is enough - and everything will work out. If you start to slide down when you perform horizontal pull-ups, you need to climb up your chest again to the crossbar and start again from this position. This style of execution will allow you to pump the biceps better.

Exercises on triceps

Some argue that triceps are 75% of the volume of hand muscles. Perhaps these figures are slightly exaggerated, but to argue that exercises on the triceps are necessary to increase the volume of hands is simply silly. Here are some other exercises that will make your triceps steely.

1. Climbing at point-blank range with your forearms

Another proof that the number of variations in push-ups is almost infinite and the potential of this exercise is huge. Push-ups can be performed at home, the presence of sports shells they do not require.

Also read: How to Lose Weight Fast with Exercises at Home-Best Tips

2. Push-ups at point-blank range from behind (push-ups on the bench)

A classic of triceps exercises. When performing, the legs can stand on the floor; however, if you put them on a bench or stand opposite, the impact of push-ups will only grow.

3. Push-ups at point-blank range on one hand

A more complex version of the previous exercise for those who push-ups at point-blank range from behind are given too easily. The methodology is the same; only push-ups are done on the one hand, while the other you hold in front of the breast.

4. Korean passes

Exercise uses the entire upper body and abs but especially heavily loaded triceps. Recommended for those who have already mastered the basic exercises on the crossbar and are confident in their abilities. When performing, be safe.

Big and strong hands are not an easy goal, but it is quite achievable, and exercises from this material will help you achieve it. Do not forget about a full rest after hard training.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Life hacker