Millions of people have already had the flu worldwide. But this is only the beginning because new waves of the epidemic are upon us. To quickly get back in shape, you must visit a doctor in time for optimal treatment. Here is how to protect yourself.
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"Two type A viruses and two type B viruses will circulate. It is worth noting that type A influenza is more dangerous. It causes epidemics, causes complications, and even death," said Oksana Artemchuk, head of influenza and ARVI department of the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health Ukraine.
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A sharp deterioration in well-being, body aches, and high fever are characteristic signs of the flu. And everyone has the power to fight back the disease.
Doctors advise to get vaccinated against the virus; it is never too late to do this. You shouldn't neglect proper sleep and vitamins. Wash your hands more frequently and use antiseptics on them. Effective ones where the alcohol content is 70%.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Today Lifestyle