How to Keep Basil Fresh

Basil is a delicate fresh herb that adds an unmistakable aroma and flavor to your stews and dishes. Whether you grow it yourself, or if you are a fan of buying it at the supermarket, you should know that it is possible to keep it in perfect condition and use it for much longer.
Do you want to know more? So, don't forget to read this article because, in it, you will find the best tips on how to keep basil fresh. Discover the ideal option to ensure that your basil does not lose its flavor, its texture, and its incomparable and delicious aroma.

Tips for Preserving Basil

First of all, you should know that basil is a delicate herb since it contains a large amount of water, so if it becomes dry or cut, it can darken, turn black, and lose all its flavor. Therefore, keeping it in cool and dark places is the best option to maintain the properties of this healthy food.

How to Keep Basil Fresh - Step 1
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

To preserve the properties of fresh basil, you should place it away from direct light. In a dark space, the grass can be kept for up to two weeks without losing any of its properties. Place the basil branches in a vase and keep it out of the sun's rays.

Read also: How to Preserve Coriander.

There is no more ideal option for keeping basil fresh than freezing it. If you want to preserve its aroma and flavor, you must first prepare it. Clean it and remove the leaves from the stems. You should only keep the leaves; the stems can be discarded. Rinse them with water and then dry them by removing excess water with kitchen paper, always being careful not to crush them. Then put them inside a vacuum-sealed bag and freezer.

Once they are completely dry, an excellent method to put them in the freezer is to put them in airtight containers to be used as a garnish. For this, you must save the whole leaves. If you want the method to be more effective, we recommend placing the basil previously in the freezer on a tray and carefully so that the leaves do not touch each other.

After solidification, put them in the airtight containers until you need to use them. When they have thawed, you can cut them or use them as a garnish to give aroma and flavor to your stews and dishes such for example, delicious spaghetti with pesto.

How to Keep Basil Fresh - Step 4
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

Do you know that you can freeze fresh basil with a carton of milk? It is very easy! Clean a tetra brick and cut off the top. Place a vacuum bag inside to store the basil and then close the carton to preserve it completely. Put the milk carton in the fridge with the basil inside, and you're done. The leaves will retain their color, flavor, and pleasant aroma! You can also learn how to make basil oil and, thus, make the most of all its properties.

Another good trick to save basil, even if it is not in its natural state, is to prepare a delicious pesto sauce. To do this, you have to crush the fresh basil leaves and add olive oil and salt.

Also read: Garlic Sauce: Learn How to Make

The marinade will help the basil retain its properties, as well as it's color and flavor. Put the sauce in small airtight containers and put them in the freezer. Your pesto sauce always ready to give the perfect touch to your dishes!

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Uncomo