Also known as plant lice, aphids can attack different crops, such as vegetables, fruit plants, trees, ornamental plants, and flowers. Depending on the species, they have different colors and can attack different plants. Black aphids can affect legumes such as beans (aphis fabae) and fruit plants (Homoptera quarantine). They weaken the plants and cause the leaves to dry and curl. Here are some suggestions for getting rid of them.
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1) Sprinkle water on the aphids early in the morning.
2) Eliminate the affected part of the plant or remove the specimen attacked by the lice.
3) Place nearby plants that repel these parasites for their smell, such as marigolds, garlic, oregano, onions.
4) Mulch with silver or reflective material; the reflection tends to drive away from the aphids.
5) Treat the plant with wood ash.
6) Sprinkle some flour on the plant.
7) Make proper use of insects that feed on aphids, such as ladybugs.
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These are some home and natural remedies to eliminate and fight black aphids from plants. Obviously, for each solution, check if it is compatible with the plant affected by lice; you can also do a small portion test.
Also, there are specific products on the market but informed about the deleterious effects on plants and other beneficial insects.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Donnad