How to Define Your Cheekbones

One of the facial features that most embellish a woman's face is, without a doubt, well defined and defined cheekbones. They refine the face, give a more elegant and sensual image, and make the facial features look much more attractive.
There are several makeup techniques that can help you enhance the shape of the cheeks, and in this article, we have compiled them all, from the simplest to the most elaborate. Read on to find out how to define cheekbones.


Makeup is our best ally to highlight the cheekbones and give the face a much more stylized, beautiful, and sensual appearance. In the following steps, we will reveal the best makeup tricks to define the cheekboneThis is a step that you should not skip if you want your makeup to remain intact for many hours.


Wash your face with a cleansing gel that is appropriate for your skin type and, later, apply a moisturizerThis is essential to prevent the skin from absorbing makeup, drying out, and looking dull in a matter of minutes.

After applying your foundation evenly all over your face, seal it in with a light layer of translucent powder. Thereafter, try the following makeup tricks to define your cheekbones and mark your facial features. These consist of combining two different blushes, one dark, and the other lights to add depth and volume to the area.

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  • First, you need to locate the cheekbone bone. To do this, make the fish face grimace and suck your cheeks internally.
  • When you have identified it, with a brush, you must mark it with the darkest blush, which can be in strong brown tones. Draw a vertical line under the cheekbone that goes from the area where the cheek sinks to where the cheekbone ends, in the direction of the temple.
  • Blend the line you just drew with a brush so that it blends in with your skin color. You will see how the face looks much more refined with this simple step.
  • Then, apply the lighter blush just on the cheekbone using strokes towards the temple upward. This blush must be the right color for your skin tone since otherwise, you could wear artificial and unflattering makeup.

This will not only give you a more defined and stylized face but will also help you achieve a little more volume by using a cosmetic as unique as an illuminator. It will also add a touch of light that will allow you to highlight your cheekbones even more and give them a supernatural raised effect.

Apply a small amount of highlighter to the upper part of your cheekbones, and gently blend with your fingers in dabs until it blends completely with the skin.


To contour the face and enhance the facial features, always apply a shade darker than the skin on the cheekbones such as bronzing powders. It is best to use a matte bronzing powder and apply it with a brush just below the cheekbones; this will create a kind of shadow that will give the area greater depth and, consequently, the cheeks will be more accentuated.

Be very careful not to overdo the amount of bronzer that you apply, not to give you a very artificial appearance.

Use Concealers

If you have more time for makeup,  then try out contouring made with two concealers (dark and light), blush, and some translucent powders. This marks the features of the face through a combination of dark and light tones in an excellent way.

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  • Apply a primer or primer and then the makeup base all over the face.
  • Apply a concealer three shades darker than the color of your skin in the following points: under the cheekbones towards the temples, around the jaw, on the upper part of the forehead, on the temples, on the wings of the nose, and the line of the eye socket.
  • Apply a concealer three shades lighter than the skin color: the center of the forehead, the septum of the nose, above the cheekbones, the arch of the eyebrow, the part that has not been made up between the cheekbone and the mandible, below the lacrimal and in the nasolabial fold.
  • Apply a little pink blush on the cheeks towards the temple.
  • Blend the two concealers with a brush to blend into each other and blend into the skin.
  • Seal with a layer of translucent powder.

Facial Exercises

Now that you know how to use makeup products to achieve perfectly defined cheekbones, you can also resort to the usual practice of some facial exercises. These are very effective in strengthening the muscles of the cheeks thus achieving a more sculpted and lifted effect on ​​the face. Some good options include

  • Inhale as much air as you can, keep it in your mouth and pass it from one side to the other, holding as long as possible. When you are out of breath, breathe out, and repeat the exercise.
  • Place the fingers of your hands, except the thumb, just below each eye, and use a little downward force. Now, push your cheek muscles up, that is, in the opposite direction.
  • Twist your lips to one side, hold the position for a few seconds, and then do the same to the opposite side. This exercise is ideal for avoiding sagging cheeks and tightening the cheekbones.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Uncomo