Home Remedies for Oily Hair

Does your hair begin to look oily and matted after washing it? This  means that the sebaceous glands of the scalp are producing an excessive amount of sebum, which exceeds normal levels. When you have oily hair, it is necessary to control excess sebum with the care that allows us to show off much healthier and beautiful hair.
The solution may be to take advantage of the properties of certain natural products that are effective in this task. Discover in this article the best home remedies for oily hair and do not hesitate to check if they work.

Lemon Juice

A trendy home remedy for oily hair is the application of lemon juice. Lemon has astringent properties that are ideal for regulating the sebum production of the scalp and keeping hair clean for longer. You have to squeeze two lemons, mix the juice with two cups of water, and apply the lotion to the hair just before the last rinse in the regular wash.

Beer Rinse

Beer is ideal for fighting oil in the hair and keeping its production at bay. Also, after its application, the hair is much more shiny and beautiful. This home remedy consists of making a beer rinse after applying the shampoo, finish the wash by rinsing the hair with warm water.

Horse Tail

In addition to being a medicinal plant, horsetail is excellent for treating oily hair. It is used to remove excess sebum and also to encourage healthy hair growth thanks to its silicon concentration, which stimulates the formation of collagen and is essential for both strengthening hair and nails.

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Prepare this home remedy, adding two dried leaves of horsetail in boiling water. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes before straining the liquid. Once it cools down, you can apply it to damp hair after your usual shampoo.

Aloe Vera

Is your hair too oily but also looks dehydrated? If so, aloe vera will undoubtedly be your best ally, as it normalizes sebaceous secretions but also deeply hydrates the hair fibers, making the hair look much healthier and shinier.

To take advantage of this home remedy for oily hair, you must cut two aloe vera leaves, extract the pulp and liquefy it. Then, apply the cream obtained throughout the hair evenly and leave it on for 20 minutes.

Peppermint and Rosemary Lotion

Finally, another home remedy for oily hair is peppermint and rosemary. It involves adding a handful of mint leaves, and fresh rosemary leaves to the water, boiling and straining the mixture to obtain a homemade hair lotion.

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After washing, apply it to your hair, affecting the scalp, and you will see how the roots stay clean, and the excess oil diminishes enormously.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Uncomo