Do you want to teach your dog to walk without a leash? To begin with, you must be clear that for your pet to learn to walk freely, he must see you as a leader. Apart from training him...

Best Dog Breeds for Children

Does your child constantly ask you for a dog? Have you been denying them for a long time but the time has come to take the step? If you have finally made the decision to add a pet to the family,...
Epilepsy in dogs is defined as an electrochemical discharge from the brain, which can appear at any time. This condition becomes repetitive over time, and in this case, the dog repeats these seizures during most of their lifetime. An...
Having a dog in the house should be a thoughtful decision. Adopting him means that, from that moment on, you will be completely responsible for the dog: you will have to provide the care, the food, the love and...
Maintaining good hygiene in cats is simple because the felines themselves are very careful in this regard. Daily, they wash their bodies by licking themselves and try not to strain themselves. Even so, sometimes it is unavoidable to bathe...

How to Bathe a Cat With Fleas

Fleas are one of the worst enemies of cats, and, also, the discomfort that these parasites generate is in the background when compared to the severe health problems that they can cause. Ending and preventing them is essential so...
Stopping dogs from barking is one recurring problem in many households. When the canine begins a  long and powerful barking sequence, it can become tough to bear creating an uncomfortable situation in the family. It's essential to discover what...
Everyone likes to walk with their pet on the street. But what happens when your dog at this time, which should be relaxing for both of you, won't stop pulling on the leash? In order to achieve changes in your dog, you must...
We have talked about how to stop dog from pulling on the leash, but what happens when our dog or puppy bites us? We cannot allow our pet to become an aggressive dog by first getting used to biting our hands with those sharp...

How to Walk a Puppy

Dog walks can become a real nightmare if we do not start to train our dogs from an early age. Therefore, it is essential to start walking our puppy properly, following some training guidelines. If we don't do this...