How To Whiten And Deodorize Curtains With Baking Soda

Home curtains are often considered accessories that you don't care about much. Unlike tablecloths, sofa covers, and pillow covers, which are always part of the linen, cotton veils or other yarns that decorate the windows and shield us from the sun and prying eyes, never have the same luck.

This is obviously a problem because curtains can become a receptacle for bacteria, dust, and bad smells, especially if there are smokers in the house. In fact, curtains can easily turn yellow and smell, making the environment where they are placed more sloppy and dirty or at least not cared for. Here is more.

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First of all, before soaking the curtains, it is essential to vacuum the dust deposited on the surface, or there is a risk that the latter will stick during the washing, making cleaning difficult. Do this when they are still mounted to be stretched well and make the cleaning process easier.

How To Whiten And Deodorize Curtains With Baking Soda
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

If you have decided to wash the curtains by hand, fill a large basin or bathtub with hot water, and pour a cup or two white vinegar to pre-treat them. Immerse them completely and let the solution act for about an hour, after which you can rinse and change the water.

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Fill the container again with hot water, pour 2 cups of baking soda, and dissolve it well. Soak the curtains and leave them overnight. The next day you can wash them with Marseille soap or other laundry soap in a gentle way, rinse them completely and hang them out to dry.

If you decided to wash the curtains by machine, precede the whites' cycle at 60° C with a low spin cycle by soaking them overnight in water and bicarbonate. If they are particularly yellowed or graying, rub them the next day gently but firmly and then put them in the washing machine.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Donnad