Passion for cigarettes can be defeated with a glass of milk. We talk about health, based on research by scientists. Everything so that you do not miss dangerous symptoms, buy working drugs, and properly take care of yourself.
According to the researchers, those who decide to quit smoking make up to 30 attempts before they are successful. This estimate is based on data from a longitudinal cohort of smokers. This is due to the difficulties of giving up bad habits in general and the individual characteristics of the organism.
The method that worked for five of your friends can misfire. Conversely, you can come up with your own way to quit smoking, which is categorically not suitable for your friends but will be incredibly effective in your case.
These 11 ways to quit smoking have been proven to work both statistically and scientifically. Try to identify your own among them.
1. Set a date to get ready
This is why experts recommend starting a personal fight against smoking. And for a good reason.
Most smokers at least once in their lives decided: "That's it, from tomorrow - not a single puff!" Of course, they were true to their word until the first nervous shock or the moment of forgetting. "Oh, I'm with a cigarette. I have no idea what went wrong."
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The problem is that nicotine addiction manifests itself not only physically but also mentally. It's possible you're unaware of this, but the cigarette is closely related to significant, vital things—for example, the ability to exhale in the midst of a hectic day at work. Discuss in the smoking-room what should not be discussed in the office. Have a phone conversation with a loved one. Relax and enjoy your coffee without worrying about anything - just "sticking" into the landscape around.
If you quit smoking one day, a gaping hole forms in the place of those meaningful pleasures. Everything seems to be OK, a cup of coffee in hand, but something is missing. And this scarcity spoils all the fun.
To put it another way: in the past, a smoking break was an opportunity to take a pause relatively legally, but now you don't smoke, which means there seems to be no reason for a pause. And so you keep working without a break, exhausting the nervous system and driving yourself into a state of permanent fatigue. It is not surprising that your subconscious mind will try to return the saving cigarette associated with relaxation and pleasure. And it will return, believe me.
This makes the decision to stop smoking starting tomorrow a contentious one. Better to set an exact date.
Not too close to get ready, and not too far away to change your mind.
The preparation is as follows. You need to decouple smoking from everyday rest and pleasure. If you often smoke while drinking coffee - drink, but without a cigarette. Make a promise to yourself, “I’ll have my coffee, and I’ll have a smoke in 15 minutes,” and keep your promise. If you need informal communication with colleagues, go to it without a cigarette, promising yourself you'll have a smoke break afterward.
When day X finally comes, your withdrawal from smoking cessation will not be so strong because at least you will psychologically prepare for it.
2. Write down triggers and eliminate them from life
This recommendation is partly related to the paragraph above. The bottom line is that often we could not smoke. But some situations really make us reach for the pack. These are the so-called triggers.
Calculate them: For several days, scrupulously describe all the moments when you lit a cigarette. "I drink my morning coffee." "I lit a cigarette to talk to the girl." “I went out into the yard with my colleagues. I smoke for the company”. Then, at the very least, make an effort to alter the reoccurring situations you encounter.
For example, if you are used to smoking a cigarette with your morning coffee, start drinking tea. Or go for healthy breakfasts altogether: you are unlikely to want to smoke with oatmeal.
When you identify a trigger, it is important to work on a replacement approach. Although you won't be able to quit nicotine cold turkey, you can cut back dramatically the amount of nicotine. And this is a serious step towards success.
3. Replace smoking with other pleasures or activities
Perfect timing on how to Curb Stress While You Quit Smoking - vacation. There are no stresses that provoke the craving for a cigarette. There are plenty of interesting activities.
It's sufficient to simply not bring cigarettes with you on rafting down a stormy mountain river or go on a bus tour across Europe, where no one will slow down or air the Louvre to allow you to smoke. It's going to come as a big surprise to you that you can easily do without smoke for several busy and interesting days.
The main thing here is to take from such an experience the realization: "I smoke not because I want to, but because I am simply bored and have nothing to do with myself."
Sounds so-so, right? Try to get rid of boredom. Look for activities that can replace cigarettes. And you will quit smoking.
4. Go in for sports
When it comes to substitution therapy, exercise is one of the healthiest options. Research shows how exercise can help you to quit smoking. Playing sports distracts from thinking about cigarettes, cheers up, and gives a feeling of control over oneself.
After working with a barbell or swimming a kilometer or two, you begin to feel like a strong, strong-willed person who is quite in the teeth not to give up principles for some tightening.
5. Figure out how to overcome the impulse
The desire to smoke most often arises spontaneously. At first, we emotionally grab a cigarette, drag on, and then the mind finally screams: "What are you doing? We promised!" And it's late.
Also read: Why You Need a Morning Ritual and How to Start it.
Therefore, it is essential to maintain a short pause between "Oh, how I want to smoke" and the lighter's flick. This pause is really short.
Experts assure8 Tips to Quit Smoking for Good in 2017that an acute urge to grab a cigarette lasts no more than 3-5 minutes.
Think of how you can fill this time - and try to bring this action to an automatic level.
For example, I was drawn to nicotine - we do push-ups several times. Or we stand in the bar for a minute. Or we chew a hard apple. Or gnaw on a toothpick. Or you could also crack the window and breathe some fresh air.
Any option is fine, as long as the pause filler is always at hand at the right time.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Life hacker