How To Properly Store Onions And Other Vegetables At Home

The time of labor for summer residents has come as there are many vegetables that have to be picked. Garlic is ready, and the onion is about time. By the way, modern homemakers no longer store onions in stockings - there are special nets for this.

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How to store onions properly

How To Properly Store Onions And Other Vegetables At Home
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

Onions cannot be stored in high humidity

To prevent the onion from spoiling before winter, dry it right in the garden. Then take it to the attic and put it on the sackcloth. There it will ripen until the very cold. Then transfer to a net and keep in a cool dark place.

There is another way, shake the bulbs off the ground and braid them. Keep in a cool, dry, dark, and well-ventilated location, such as a pantry, basement, or garage. The fact is that the bulbs easily absorb moisture. If the temperature or humidity is too high, they may start to sprout or rot.

How to store eggplants and cucumbers

How To Properly Store Onions And Other Vegetables At Home
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

Cucumbers cannot be stored sliced.

Eggplants are best harvested after rain. They can not be washed but immediately wrapped in paper and kept in the cold.

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It is advisable not to store cucumbers for a long time but to eat them immediately. There is an effective life hack, wrap unwashed vegetables in cucumber leaves and place them in the vegetable compartment.

By the way, no matter how hard we try to extend the shelf life of freshly picked vegetables, there will be no result if they are not harvested on time. Therefore, you need to trust your observations and do not forget about the lunar calendar.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Today Lifestyle