How to Organize a Suprise Party for my Boyfriend

Is your boy about to add years, and do you want this occasion to be unique, different, and unforgettable? Well, take note because this article is perfect for you. Gather your loved ones and relatives, propose a theme that you like and make him remember his next birthday forever

You must put effort and be patient if you want everything to go smoothly. Next, we explain how to organize a surprise party for your boyfriend. Make her always remember such a fun event and let her know that you are the best girlfriend on the planet. Ready?

Source: Pinterest

Choose a Date

The date is essential. It seems silly, right? But choosing the date for the surprise party is not an easy task. You must bet on a day around their date of birth but keeping in mind that as many people as possible should be able to attend. You must also make sure that he does not have any plans or commitments for the selected date. He is the protagonist and cannot fail!

Read also: How to Party Alone and Have Fun

Confirm the Attendance

With the day selected for the celebration, you need to make sure that they commit to you. That is, make sure he is willing to make some plan and thus, sure, he will not be able to escape from his own party.

Location is Key

It is essential to choose a good place to celebrate a party. Rent a place, find a good restaurant, or organize the party at home. The important thing is that all the guests are clear about where they should meet and that it is easy for you to take your boyfriend without suspicion. We recommend that you look for accessible places close to home to avoid complications between guests.

Seek Help

Ask for help and look for allies. It will probably be difficult for you to take care of everything on your own without your boyfriend suspecting anything, so you should look for helpers who do a bit of their part and save you work.

Divide the tasks: someone is in charge of the decoration, another person of the catering, and another, for example, gathering the guests. Of course, they must be trusted people who can be available to help you with everything.

Choose a Theme

To make the surprise party even more fun, you can look for a theme. Bet on a costume party or look for what your partner is passionate about to recreate it through decoration or catering. Remember that you must bear in mind your boyfriend's tastes so that the party is to her liking. Any detail is important, the music, the guests, the atmosphere, activities, games, etc. Please make a list to make it easier for you to structure the party.


Once you have everything under control, it is time to gather the guests. This task is somewhat expensive, as it often happens that more people from the account confirm you or that some guests do not go at the end. Also, you have to know how to draw a line so as not to end up inviting people with whom your boyfriend has only chatted once.

Forget about commitments and invite those people that your partner loves the most, the essential ones to make them the happiest in the world. Remember: it's their day.

Let the Celebrations Begin

If everything has gone perfectly your boyfriend must be totally unaware that there is a celebration. It is time for you to take him to the place where the party will be held, with any other excuse, you must ensure that no detail fails.

Also read: How to Organize a Company Party

Remember to make sure all the guests have arrived and explained what they should say or do when you arrive with your partner. Also, try to give clear instructions to the guests so that everything goes smoothly, such as hiding their vehicles so that your boyfriend does not suspect anything.


The important thing is that that day is unforgettable for your boy. Fun must be guaranteed so that you always remember this anniversary, so do not forget the music and the cake. You will love it!

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Uncomo