How to Organize a Company Party

Do you want to celebrate a party at your company? There are numerous justifications for planning a corporate party: either because you have achieved the annual goals, or because it is the anniversary of the founding of the organization, or because someone is retiring.

Reasons to celebrate are never lacking and therefore it's crucial that you pay attention to the organization of it to ensure that everyone has fun and that in the end, it is a memorable party. In this article, we will show you how to organize a company party in a simple way and in which everyone can participate.

Step One

To start organizing the company party on the right foot, we will start thinking about the invitations for the celebration. With them you will get the workers to be curious and eager for the big day to come; To make the wait more fun, you can propose a contest that will have to be exhibited on the day of the party (for example, prepare a dance, prepare a cake recipe, solve a puzzle, etc.).

Whoever wins the contest will have a specific prize, the one you want! This can be a very fun and entertaining way to get everyone to participate in the party and that from the moment of planning it is an event already expected by everything.

How to organize a company party - Step 1
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

Step Two

Now it's time to think about the party itself. How do you want it to be: a party with dancing, a party with games, a party with animation? There are different options that you can shuffle and we propose one that is very fun: go to a casino or recreate one in a restaurant. If you like gambling, laughter, and fun, it can be a lot of fun to themed dinner as if you were in a casino from the 20s; people will have to dress up and be ready to play and have fun.

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Another possibility along the same lines is to go directly to the casino in your city and book a dinner at a restaurant near this space to end the night playing and gambling. It is a different and completely original way of having a company party.

How to organize a company party - Step 2
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

Step Three

The theme dinners are most successful in business parties, take a little side more playful and fun among your co-workers as it is a good remedy to relieve the tensions, and interact with others. Therefore, organizing a party that is themed, for example, in Hawaii will make people have to dress up and bring out their funniest side.

A good option to get everyone to be part of the party is to divide the workers into different groups and for each of them to take care of something in particular; Following the example of the Hawaiian party, you could determine that one group is in charge of the decoration, the other of the music, the other of the food, and so on.

How to organize a company party - Step 3
Photo credit: Reproduction/Internet

Step Four

If you do not feel like organizing a dinner and you are looking more to have a company party in the afternoon, with games and different tests, a gymkhana for adults is what you are looking for. It is about organizing a series of tracks and tests to be carried out in competition with other groups; Whoever finishes completing the entire gymkhana before wins. It is a good alternative to themed dinners because, as with them, playing and laughing we bring out the funniest part of ourselves and we manage to interact with co-workers from another perspective.

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In order to organize a fun gymkhana for adults you will first have to think about the best space to carry out the activity: public parks, the beach, mountain areas, or perhaps even in the middle of the city; The ideal scenario is that it is a good day so that you can do the tests without any weather impediment. The tests can be whatever you want: from a sack race to the handkerchief game to make a delicious cocktail, the imagination has no limits!

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Uncomo