How To Make Vegetable Milk: A Simple Recipe From Anita Lutsenko

Anita Lutsenko, on her Instagram page, admitted that she prefers vegetable milk, which is made from nuts. Like cow's milk, it contains vitamins E and A, however, it contains fewer calories and fat

Read also: How To Properly Store Nuts At Home.

How To Make Vegetable Milk: A Simple Recipe From Anita Lutsenko
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The fitness trainer said that she pre-soaks the nuts in water, leaving them overnight. She then tosses a handful (one kind or mix) into a powerful blender and fills in a full glass of water (Anita loves when the water is slightly lukewarm). Then it grinds until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Prepared vegetable milk can be filtered through a strainer.

Also read: Walnuts: Benefits, Harms And Culinary Uses

"You can boil oatmeal with it, for example. I pour it after it has been cooked and keep it on fire a little. Then I take it off to soak it. You can drink it separately. Or you can add honey, coconut sugar, or Jerusalem artichoke syrup to warm milk," advised Lutsenko.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Today Lifestyle