How to Celebrate Halloween in Office

It's your workplace, but you spend a lot of hours a week there, your colleagues are almost family, so why not celebrate Halloween at the office? Make the workday of October 31 a special day in your office by organizing a themed party that will create a good work environment and makes the day a lot of fun.

In this article, we provide the guidelines so that you know how to celebrate Halloween at the office and have a great time.

Terrifying Invitations

Surely you use a computer at work, so fun and original way to organize a Halloween party in the office is to send invitations inspired by horror motifs so that all colleagues know about the party and sign up for the activities.

Host a Costume Contest

To know how to celebrate Halloween in the office, it is important to motivate the workers; therefore, if you create a costume contest with a specific prize, you will make them want to join in on the fun.

Read also: How to Make Decorate for Halloween

The prizes cannot be available to all companies: breakfast, a t-shirt, a dinner, or a discount voucher are enough reasons for employees to cheer up and participate in the Halloween party.

Decorate the Office for Halloween

One of the Halloween party's traditions is its decorations: creating a gloomy and mysterious atmosphere gives the party a unique and incomparable spirit.

  • Homemade Halloween Smoke: Creating an atmosphere of mystery can be achieved with homemade smoke made from dry ice.
  • Decorate your office tables with recycled candle holders. With one and a half-liter plastic bottles, you can create spooky candle holders perfect for the Halloween party.
  • Cobwebs are also a hallmark of Halloween, so that you can make cobweb decorations for the office with just white glue.
  • Hang bats made from coffee pods. It is a Halloween craft with recycled materials that will surprise employees and give a mysterious touch to the office.

Invite Everyone to Make a Scary Breakfast

To find out how to celebrate Halloween in the office and get everyone involved, you can organize a Halloween snack contest. A themed breakfast is enjoyable and creates a good atmosphere at work.

Prepare Games for Halloween

Mealtime in the office can be the ideal time to prepare fun games and have all employees enjoy the office's Halloween party.

Also read: How to Make Cookies for Halloween

A game of questions and answers based on Halloween can be a very fun incentive that will liven up your lunchtime. By creating two different groups, this game can be carried out in which all the questions will have to do with elements of fear, for example: what is the famous street from the Freddy Krugger movies? 

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Uncomo