How to Achieve Positive Discipline

The family is the most important influence on the development of the individual. The main objective of positive education is to give parents tools to incorporate when educating knowing how to do it and taking into account the children satisfying their needs for love, security, acceptance, and recognition.

It is important to define the basis of discipline that we need to use long term. This structure should be accompanied by warmth in a responsible way and based on mutual respect.  In order to clearly define throughout time the bases of discipline that we need to use, where we will build a structure accompanied by warmth in a responsible way and based on mutual respect.

The responses that we have as parents will depend on the actions of our children. Today they tell us without words a hidden message: look at me, tell me what I do well, take me into account! In this post, I share tips to create a positive vision in the education process.

Emotional Education for Children
Image source: Pixaby

Create Routine Tables

Habits and structure in routines serve to create confidence and limits . Give clear guidelines for behavior, which will generate security in the child's day-to-day life. All this will be accompanied by responsibilities that must be met and as parents, we will be consistent in the rules to follow at home and the consequences that will be had if the objectives are not met.

Strengthen Self-esteem

Finding the good in people is a skill that is acquired with work and patience. We are not born with self-esteem, it is created through our first years with what our parents, brothers, and teachers tell us. The idea is to focus on emphasizing the strengths, gifts, qualities, and virtues of your child; thus giving recognition to the efforts and achievements. Forget the compliments or words that do not contribute and that remain in limbo: "pretty" "princess" "champion" "good"

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Use a discipline method with clear guidelines for behavior that encourage individual and social responsibility. They are necessary and useful for there to be learnings from their successes as well as their mistakes. Provide your children with tools so that they make their own decisions and know that every action will always have a positive or negative consequence, natural and logical: "if you paint the wall, you have to clean it"

Explore Alternatives

It is a tool that will help you give options when the child is angry and does not know how to get an emotion. I recommend you have an anger box or bottle of calm that will help your child have a few minutes of reflection and can explore his feelings. You could ask: what do you want to do? In such a way that you can channel your anger together and open up communication to resolve the conflict.

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Positive Discipline in Children
Image Source: Unsplash

Avoid the Threat

Change the way you speak and communicate clearly, deeply, directly, and respectfully. It is critical to be aware of how you feel and how they feel in order to convey the information. Instead of saying: "We're not going to the park because all your toys are thrown away!" better tell them this: "to go out to the park, let's pick up your toys first. " Remember that love and fear do not fit in the same heart.

Communicate With the Heart

Deliver the message with love through non-verbal manifestations and actions. You must create an environment of trust, acceptance, and worth through words; with which a bond of mutual respect will be created. This should be carried out in a manner that when they have a problem they can express their feelings, beliefs, and emotions without judgment.

Bottom Line

It is time to question the educational beliefs that sometimes prevent us from being more effective parents. Remember to remove beliefs and taboos of education that made you inefficient in imparting positive self-discipline in your children and instead come up with strategies for the world in which our children will have to live. Most importantly live by example, because children are sponges and learn everything they see.