Personal experience and simple advice.   Morning rituals are a popular topic among those interested in self-development. Usually, everyone either already has a ritual or is trying to start it or dream that they have enough endurance. Productivity gurus promise life-changing. You...
Taking the right priorities and taking care of yourself will help you overcome a difficult life period. I'm exhausted. In six weeks, I will have a baby, and my pregnancy is going through complications. At the same time, I continue...
Sadness is not something that affects only our mood and our relationship with the world. It also affects our body, our health as a whole. We often neglect our emotions and let go of many signals from our body...
Most diseases are common to men and women, but some manifest themselves differently depending on sex. For example, heart attack symptoms are slightly different between men and women, and women tend to experience more depression than men. See below...
Vitamin A is present in foods such as liver, egg yolks, carrots, and spinach. It is essential for an effective reproductive system and healthy skin, for example. This lack of this vitamin causes some problems, such as night blindness, acne,...
Often we don't notice, but when we wear socks, they can leave a reddish mark on the ankle. If this happens a few times, it is a sign that the socks elastic is tight on the skin. But if these...
The Japanese are famous for their cleanliness, organization, intelligence, longevity, technology, and many other qualities. They have one of the highest life expectancies globally - around 85.3 years, and this is due to the healthy habits they adopt in...
To avoid the excruciating pain caused by these "pebbles," it is necessary to maintain a balanced diet, avoiding eating too salty, and above all, drinking lots of water. It is also important to exercise and know which foods to...
Disconnecting from work when we leave it is not always easy, as some people have the habit of bringing work problems home, maintaining a constant state of stress that is very difficult to control. Knowing how to separate what happens in...
Are you one of those who play sports regularly and drink isotonic drinks? If so, you will know that these products for athletes are not cheap at all, and consuming them regularly is a significant expense. However, staying hydrated is essential, and...