Club Sandwich: Learn How to Make

Coming from the United States and with a really exquisite pint, the club sandwich has conquered the rest of the world. Not only is this sandwich found in restaurants, more people want to learn its recipe to enjoy this wonderful sandwich at home.
It is ideal for adults and children and perfect for a casual dinner, a snack, or a meal with friends. This is delicious sandwich will leave everyone licking their fingers. That's why we bring you the recipe, discover how to prepare a club sandwich, and enjoy its great flavor.
Steps to follow to make this recipe

Step One

To prepare a club sandwich we must start with vegetables. Wash the lettuce, drain it well and cut the natural tomato into thin slices.

Read also: Tips on How to Thicken a Sauce

Leaving it all the size suitable for the sandwich we will make it easier to eat.

Step Two

Secondly, we will take the slices of white mold bread and we will spread a little butter on both sides, this will allow the bread to be softer and more tasty, making a really difference. Next, we will toast it a little in a pan and place it on the plate to start assembling the club sandwich .

Step Three

In the center slice we will put mayonnaise on both sides and a slice of cheese on the side that will be placed face up. Then we will take the slice that will go at the bottom and we will place a lettuce leaves and a couple of slices of natural tomato.

Step Four

Then we fry the bacon, I recommend not doing much so that it is not too crispy, and we put it on top of the tomato slices and the lettuce leaves. This will add a bit of flavor and fat to this club sandwich floor, maximizing its flavor.

On top of the bacon we place a slice of cheese and the slice of bread jwith mayonnaise on the bottom.

Step Five

Once the first floor is assembled, we get to work with the second and last floor to prepare the perfect club sandwich. Therefore, we cook the chicken fillets seasoned with a little salt and pepper in the pan and place them on the sandwich, on top of the cheese slice that we had previously placed in step three.

Also read: How to Cook Burgers

Step Six

To finish, we put back some lettuce leaves with another two tomato slices and the remaining slice of bread. Cut your sandwich diagonally, serve some fries, and you're done. Now you can enjoy this delicious club sandwich recipe at home.

Enjoy your meal!

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Uncomo