Benefits of Avocado That You Didn't Know

There are so many benefits that come with eating avocados and according to a study published in BioMed Central, consuming avocado on a regular basis helps you have a healthier life. If you happen to be among those people who are concerned about their weight, you must love avocado! There are many benefits of avocado and here we tell you some of them. Read along with me.

Benefits of avocados
Image source: Pixaby

Has More Potassium Than Bananas

Probably the first thing you think of when you want potassium is bananas. And yes, bananas have many benefits, including potassium. But avocado has 4% more potassium, you need 2.5 avocados to have the same potassium than 10 bananas provide.

Avocados Have Low Cholesterol Levels

Avocado fat is good, and instead of harming the heart, it helps lower bad cholesterol by 22% and increases good cholesterol by 11%.

Has High Levels of Fiber

If you do not consume the fiber necessary for your body, you will suffer from overweight, slow metabolism, and problems with blood sugar. The 25% fiber that avocados have helps eliminate bacteria and helps improve the functions of our body.

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Helps Prevent Cancer

Avocados have components that help kill cancer cells in the body. It prevents, cancer of the mouth, skin, and prostate. Also, it protects healthy cells during chemotherapy.

Relieves the Symptoms of Arthritis

Omega 3, antioxidants (vitamin C and E) is what you need, and that is exactly what avocado contains. As if that is not enough, it also works as an anti-inflammatory.

Benefits of avocados

Avocados Help to have healthy skin

Avocados have oleic acid, which helps to smooth your skin. Whether it is used as a mask or simply eating it, you absorb all the vitamins it has, including vitamin K that helps prevent bags under the eyes.

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Bottom Line

There you have it folks, some of the benefits of avocados that you didn't know about. Hopefully, these reasons will compel you not to bypass avocadoes again the next time you go grocery shopping.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Facilisimo