9 Practical Tricks to Make Your Nails Healthier and More Beautiful

Having beautiful and well-manicured nails is key to looking good. Damaged nails are capable of spoiling any look and causing an idea of ​​sloppiness.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance to always take care of the nails, and some tricks can make it easier to do this, leaving the nails always beautiful. Meet some of them below.

Make a common color look like neon.

First, to achieve this effect, apply a white base or white enamel, and then apply the color you want to use.

An aluminum foil to remove resistant enamels

Read also: The Best Oils to Strengthen Your Nails

Soak a piece of cotton in a liquid nail polish remover, place it over your nails, wrap it in foil, and set aside ten minutes to rest. This trick is generally used to remove gel enamel, but it also removes more resistant common enamels.

How to save a broken nail

Breaking a nail always causes some discomfort, as we have to cut the others so that they are the same size. This trick helps to save your broken nail. If you prefer, use a teabag, adhesive tape, or a damp napkin instead of the fabric.

Toothpaste against dark enamel

Unfortunately, dark enamels stain the nails, and this tends to get worse over time. There is a trick not to give up the dark enamel - apply a whitening toothpaste on the nails, rub for 1 minute, and your nails will look much better than the bruises.

Use cold water for the enamel to dry faster.

After painting your nails, do not touch them for two minutes. Then, dip your nails in cold water and leave it for three minutes. This will help to dry them faster.

Handmade balls

To make dots on the nails, you will need a pencil with a rubber tip and a pin. Stick the pin in the pencil eraser, touch the enamel, and then the nails.

Vaseline against enamel stains

Also read: How to Harden Your Nails

To clean nail polish stains, apply petroleum jelly on the cuticle and the skin around the nails. Then remove the excess enamel with a spatula.

Feathered nails

Pillow feathers can be used to decorate your nails in a different and fun way.

Gradient effect

The gradient effect can be achieved using only two colors with different amounts.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Tudointeressante