9 Foods To Improve Memory

This is a list of foods rich in B vitamins, iron, and zinc. Find out which ones they are by reading on.

1. Olive oil

Scientists from the American Temple University have confirmed that olive oil supports memory and learning ability and prevents vascular plaques. This is because it contains polyphenols - important antioxidants that slow down the brain's aging process. The longer the cells stay young, the longer they will be able to perform at their highest level. This means that memory will function effectively. Also, polyphenols improve metabolism and intestinal microflora.

It is best to add crude oil as a salad dressing for maximum benefit; two teaspoons a day is sufficient. But frying will not be beneficial - the oil fully loses its beneficial characteristics when heated and starts to emit carcinogens.

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2 eggs

Eggs contain a lot of choline, a crucial compound that helps form new cells and positively affects nerve endings. The better the nerve impulses pass in the brain, the more efficiently our memory will work. When neurons are well connected, information is absorbed faster. One large egg contains 20% Choline Daily Value - 113 milligrams.

The egg contains a variety of vitamins as well - B6, B9, B12, and D. Vitamins of group B reduce the level of homocysteine,a hormone that has the ability to "attack" blood vessel walls and form blood clots. Vitamins B and D help the absorption of protein and positively affect brain cells by stimulating their reproduction. Also, the protein from eggs is considered the most assimilable among animal proteins. Thus, the more eggs we eat, the more the brain receives the "building material," and the cognitive ability improves.

Doctors recommend  2 to 6 eggs a week.

3. Pumpkin seeds

Rich in zinc, seeds help the brain to absorb better information. It will supply the body with magnesium, tryptophan, selenium, vitamins B1, and K, which contribute to the concentration of attention, long-term retention of information in memory, and reduce stress levels.

Magnesium, which is part of the seeds, has a positive effect on the nervous system, including the nerve endings in our head. To get the most nutrients, 50 to 100 grams of seeds should be consumed daily.

4. Beet juice

Scientists from Wake Forest University found that beet juice improves blood and oxygen flow o the brain, making the brain work more efficiently. Antioxidants in this drink help the body rid itself of toxins. To make memory work better, doctors recommend drink up to two glasses of juice a day.

9 Foods To Improve Memory
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5. Broccoli

Broccoli, like eggs, contains a large amount of choline and vitamin K. Episodic memory, which records events in all details, and the perception of linguistic information, also improves. Broccoli also contains glucosinolate, which prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine, organic compounds that transmit nerve impulses. Therefore, broccoli enhances the nervous system's performance and benefits brain function. You can consume the vegetable every day.

By the way, broccoli contains a lot of vitamin C - even more than citrus fruits, and saturation with them occurs faster due to the high fiber content. The vegetable should be cooked immediately after purchase - or frozen to retain more vitamins and benefits. When stored for a long time without refrigeration, nutrients will be lost.

6. Turmeric

One of the most readily available spice, it has been used in Asian culture for centuries. Curcumin, an element in turmeric, improves blood circulation and oxygen flow to the brain and can break down the notorious vascular plaques. As a bonus, curcumin has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Another useful turmeric property is that it is an immunomodulator that breaks down peptides that trigger Alzheimer's disease development. You need to consume no more than a tablespoon of this spice per day.

7. Black beans

Black beans contain B vitamins and microelements important for memory; folates, magnesium, potassium, iron, and calcium. Together, they renew brain cells and prevent aging. One of the main elements of black beans is manganese, which is necessary to synthesize the already familiar acetylcholine.

Doctors recommend do not get carried away with beans for gastritis, pancreatitis, and gout. For healthy people, there is no norm of consumption. However, it is worth remembering the product's high-calorie content - 341 kilocalories per 100 grams.

8. Spinach

Spinach contains vitamins K, A, C, and the pigments lutein and zeaxanthin. Vitamin K is considered best for memory, as it participates in the synthesis of fats, which are important for the construction and functioning of cells. Vitamins A and C improve brain performance, fight inflammation, and benefit the immune system.

Zeaxanthin and lutein are critical for good vision and, therefore, visual memory. And if the retina of the eye already contains zeaxanthin, then lutein can come to us only from the outside, along with food of plant origin.

Spinach contains the largest amount of lutein of any edible plant. It is best to use the vegetable in salads - it retains its maximum properties when fresh - and chop the daily rate there - about 100-150 grams of the product.

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9. Walnuts

The product contains protein, B, K, and P vitamins, healthy fats like omega-3, phenols, and essential amino acids, which are not synthesized in the body and are obtained only from food. Most important for memory is alpha-linoleic acid, which helps brain cells to multiply. Walnuts also improve blood circulation and are a source of antioxidants.

Nuts help lower blood pressure and protect arteries, which are beneficial for the heart and brain. Without harm to the figure, you can eat from 20 to 30 grams per day.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Life hacker