5 Tips From Alexei Dushka On How To Choose Quality Wine

Drinking in excess is harmful to one's health. But, according to doctors, in moderate doses, a glass of dry wine is healthy. It is important to control not only the quantity but also the quality of the alcohol consumed. Author and presenter Alexey Dushka told what rules he himself uses when choosing wine.

1. " Look at the harvest year. If there was a lean year for grapes, then the wines will rise in price or cost the same, but some will be diluted with water, added concentrates, and made from waste. For example, when choosing Ukrainian wines, it is better to give preference product sunny and hot in 2015 and 2013. In these wines will be more full-bodied taste and aroma''.

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2. " When choosing white or rosé wines, it is better to take bottles from the distant shelves since light wines in the world quickly deteriorate."

3. "So that after wine does not have a headache, choose one that does not contain sulfur dioxide or with a lower amount of its content. Sulfite sulfur dioxide is a permitted preservative in many inexpensive (up to UAH 100) wine. It is added to the wine that did not turn sour and did not deteriorate on the shelf. Unscrupulous producers add significantly more sulfites if they made wine from sour grapes."

4. "I buy only dry wines since semi-dry, semi-sweet, dessert wines of Ukrainian production can be made from grape pomace - secondary raw materials, disguising it by adding glucose syrup or grape juice, citric acid ."

5. "I choose only varietal wines (from one variety) since blended wines can be made from two or more varieties of grapes, and replace more expensive grapes with regular cheap ones. Thus, you buy cheap sour grapes at the price of expensive ones. Quality blended wine only a sommelier can distinguish from counterfeits. But expert examination cannot detect this. "

Also read: How To Quickly Chill Wine: Top 5 Ways

The wine tastes different depending on the shape of the glass. For example, red wine is best drunk from a Bordeaux (wine) glass. Red wine should "breathe," be saturated with oxygen - then its aroma and taste will be revealed. In this shape of the glass, there is a large area of ​​contact between liquid and air. For white wines, tulip-like glasses are suitable - narrowed at the tips. This allows you to retain better and concentrate the aroma since it is weaker in white wines than in red ones. For sparkling wines, tall and narrow glasses are suitable so that the bubbles do not quickly "run out."

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Today Lifestyle