
5 Problems a Sedentary Lifestyle Causes and How to Solve Them

We talk about health based on research by scientists. Everything so that you do not miss dangerous symptoms, buy working drugs, and properly take care of yourself.

With the advent of computers, a huge number of people have switched to sedentary work. Naturally, this is much more pleasant than spending the whole day on your feet. But, like many pleasant things, sitting still in a chair has many negative consequences.

What problems does a sedentary lifestyle cause?

Weight gain

The movement causes the tissues in your body to produce an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase, which controls the number of lipids in your blood and helps metabolize the fats and sugars absorbed from food. A sedentary lifestyle leads to static mechanical stretching increases the rate of lipid synthesis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes via activating the MEK signaling pathway to a lack of this enzyme.

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This has a detrimental impact on the Suppression of skeletal muscle lipoprotein lipase activity during physical inactivity, which is a molecular justification for continuing daily low-intensity movement on the body's capacity to burn fat. You consequently start to gain weight.

prolonged sitting raisesReport of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/American Heart Association Conference on Scientific Issues Related to Definitionrisk of Metabolic Syndrome, Definition of Metabolic Syndrome. This is particularly true for individuals who do not just sit for extended periods of time, but also refrain from participating in sports.

However, even people far from sports can Nonexercise activity thermogenesis in obesity management burn extra calories when walking, standing, or even fidgeting, but not sittingInterindividual variation in posture allocation: possible role in human obesity still. Therefore, if you can get up and walk during the working day, then do this.

Risk of early death

Health observations of about one million people have shown that people who sit a lot are more likely to die early. In fact, the risk of early death in sedentary lifestyles increases sedentary Time and Its Relationship to Adult Hospitalization, Mortality, and Disease Incidence Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis,  Sitting time and all-cause mortality risk in 222 497 Australian adults by 22-49%.


According to the World Health Organization's Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity, and Health, 6% of all fatalities globally are attributed to inactivity. According to the WHO, a sedentary lifestyle is the leading cause of approximately 21–25% of breast and colon cancers, 27% of diabetes, and approximately 30% of coronary heart disease.

Diabetes and heart disease

Researchers link sedentary time in adults and the association with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and death: a systematic review and meta-analysis sedentary lifestyle with almost 30 chronic diseases. In particular, sitting for a long time increases sedentary Behaviors Increase Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Menthe risk of developing heart disease.

Also, if you do not get up for a long time and walk less than 1,500 steps a day, the body increases the 2-wk reduction of ambulatory activity attenuates peripheral insulin sensitivity; Effects of one day of inactivity on insulin action in healthy adults: interactions with caloric intake and the physical condition known as insulin resistance, which is physical Inactivity Rapidly Induces Insulin Resistance and Microvascular Dysfunction in Healthy Volunteers the main cause of type 2 diabetes.

Pain in bones and muscles

If you sit in an uncomfortable chair for a long time, then you probably already know about back and neck pain. Lack of physical activity negatively affects the Key Role of the Blood Supply to Boneon the bones of the spine to national Health Statistics Reports to chronic pain that impedes movement in the future.

The end result is a vicious circle: your muscles ache because you move a little, and you move a little because your muscles ache.

Depression and anxiety

Researchers have linked long sitting to the development of depression and anxiety. Considering the effects of physical exercise and sitting time on the major depressive disorder in South Korean adults: a cross-sectional study according to South Korean specialists, people who sit for 8-10 hours a day are more likely to develop a serious depressive disorder compared to those who spend only 5 hours in this position.

And as they think sitting-time, physical activity, and depressive symptoms in mid-aged women,  Non-occupational sitting and mental well-being in employed adults psychologists, the chances of depression with an inactive lifestyle triple.

Also, lack of physical activity leads to cross-sectional connections between sitting at work and psychological suffering: Reducing sitting time may benefit mental health to increase stress. Employees who are engaged in sedentary work for more than 6 hours a day tend to overexert themselves faster and endure unpleasant situations harder.

How to avoid problems

Obviously, you should move around more and sit less. Consider, however, a significant nuance. The study found that longer periods of animal intensity exercise (standing and walking) are more effective at enhancing insulin action and plasma lipids than shorter periods of moderate to severe exercise (cycling).

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In sedentary subjects, when energy expenditure is comparableconducted by the specialists of the Maastricht University Medical Center, short hourly loads at their peak do not compensate for the previous long hours of motionless sitting.

Another study Sedentary Time and Its Association With Risk for Disease Incidence, Mortality, and Hospitalization in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, has shown that sitting for a long time is harmful to what physical activity you put yourself in after.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Life hacker