Top 5 Foods That Contain High Amounts Of Sugar

We used to consider these dishes healthy, but their amount is off the scale. They are peanut butter, low-fat yogurt, breakfast cereals, and two other foods to skip if you decide to cut back on sugar. Let us find out more.

Yogurts with fillings

Top 5 Foods That Contain High Amounts Of Sugar
Image source: Freepik

Commercial yogurt contains many artificial additives.

They are made from powdered milk and flavored with synthetic additives, sweeteners, flavors, and preservatives. The 300 ml bottle of drinking yogurt contains 45g of sugar - almost 8 teaspoons. This is one and a half times more than the entire daily maximum for an adult.

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Whole wheat bread

Top 5 Foods That Contain High Amounts Of Sugar
Image source: Depositphotos

Whole grain bread can contain a lot of sugar.

Whole grain bread is a popular staple among healthy food advocates. But if you think it is healthier than its white counterpart from refined flour, then the facts suggest otherwise. The fact is that such bread may contain artificial sweeteners in the form of corn syrup or molasses. Look carefully at the composition of the product, because it all depends on the manufacturer.

Peanut paste

Top 5 Foods That Contain High Amounts Of Sugar
Image source: Freepik

Peanut Butter Toast

It is often used to make cookies, creams, sandwiches, and snacks. When choosing peanut butter, be sure to pay attention to its composition. There should be no ingredients other than nuts and salt. But sometimes manufacturers add regular sugar and sometimes cane sugar. One spoon of such a paste can contain about 2g of sugar, which is quite a lot.

Store sauces

Top 5 Foods That Contain High Amounts Of Sugar
Image source: Depositphotos

Sauces have a lot of sugar

Manufacturers add sugar to the composition of absolutely any sauce to improve the taste. This increases the sauce's harm and makes the finished product incredibly high in calories and unsuitable for people who monitor their own weight and have to control their blood sugar levels.

Muesli and granola

Top 5 Foods That Contain High Amounts Of Sugar
Image source: Depositphotos

Also read: 5 Reasons To Eat More Vitamin C Foods

Granola is a fairly high-calorie product.

Manufacturers add honey, chocolate chips, and various sweeteners to granola and muesli that we see on the shelves. According to the data, 100g of granola can contain more than 6 tablespoons of sugar. If you like to eat granola and cereal for breakfast, pay attention to these foods' composition and choose the ones that contain the least amount of sugar and sweeteners.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Today Lifestyle